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Civil Unrest & Discrimination Awaits Europe

Europe can look to the United States for its history lesson when you have a Sovereign Debt Crisis that is an epidemic among member states. The United States emerging market Sovereign State Debt Crisis of the 1839-1844 period was a serious economic event that destroyed the credit standing of ALL states and the Federal Government. This […]

Italy & European Chaos

Stocks on Monday suffered their biggest drop since November after a strong showing in Italian elections by groups opposed to the country’s economic reforms. Of course the markets are just confused for anyone who really thinks that Europe’s debt problems have been solved must be smoking something. This is nothing. Then we have the September […]

Berlusconi’s Comeback Could Save Europe – If he has the Guts

Silvio Berlusconi’s remarkable comeback ahead of Italy’s election has revived a hope for actually Europe as a whole. Berlusconi’s status as a billionaire could actually save Europe if he wants to really lead the way for both Germany and France are on walk-abouts and the European continent is at risk even from Russia because it […]

Europe & Japan Going Down the Toilet

Question: “Europe along with Japan look like they are preparing to be flushed down the toilet,” would you anticipate their equity markets to be flushed down the toilet as well.  (Not necessarily a crash, but a very large correction). ANSWER: NO! This is part of the Sovereign Debt Crisis. I was speaking politically ONLY – […]

Europe in Trouble

Europe will put in the lowest economic growth in the world for 2013. The German national statistics office Destatis calculated that gross domestic product (GDP) contracted by 0.6 per cent in price, calendar, and seasonally adjusted terms in the period from October to December. The Eurozone economy contracted far more than generally feared in 4Q 2012, […]

Comments from Europe on Europe

Income tax was introduced in England in 1798 as a temporary measure to fight Napoleon. Have we defeated Napoleon yet? ————————————————————————— Anti EU feeling is very high in the UK – politicians have always shied away from a referendum because they know we want out and they fear that an attack the EU will ultimately […]

European Economic Suicide

The EU Commission is moving forward on a Financial Transaction Tax. This is pretended to impose more discipline on traders. The problem is there is nobody in government that even understands trading to regulate anything. This is just another tax and grab scheme. The supporters say it is nothing just 0.1%. That is how they […]

Berlin – European Share Market Outlook for 2013 Now Available

This special report surprised many for included was the: The Rise of Separatism & the shift from public to private investment strategy European Share Market Outlook 2013

European Share Market Outlook 2013

Table of Contents The Coming Shift in Investment Confidence PUBLIC to PRIVATE…………………………………….…………………. 5 Austia ATX …………………………………………………………….…. 21 Belgium BEL20……………………………………………………..….… 33 France CAC40…………………………………………………………… 45 Greek General Index ……………………………………………………. 60 Germany DAX……………………………………………………………. 78 Italy MIB ………………………………………………………..………… 94 Spain – MADRID IBEX 35 …………………………………….………. 110 Switzerland Market Index ………………………………………………. 125 United Kingdom FTSE 100 …………………………………………….. 140

European Outlook for 2013

Europe could decline into 2017. At the very least, we should see Europe come in with the lowest economic growth in the world. See: The Fate of Europe 2013