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USA in Self-Destructive Mode

Lawyers outside the USA handling Americans who live outside the country, amounting to 33% of the population of Canada, are reporting massive lines to resign their citizenship. One Swiss married to an American woman for 20 years, took their son to the local bank at age 14 to open his first account. They rejected him […]

Sovereign Debt Defaults & Restructuring

List of modern Sovereign Debt Defaults or Debt Restructuring The following list includes actual sovereign defaults and debt restructuring of independent countries from 1800 till 2012 Africa Algeria (1991) Angola (1976, 1985, 1992-2002) Cameroon (2004) Central African Republic (1981, 1983) Congo (Kinshasa) (1979) Côte d’Ivoire (1983, 2000) Gabon (1999–2005) Ghana (1979, 1982) Liberia (1989–2006) Madagascar […]

Virginia Investigates Gold Backed Currency Alternative to the Dollar

1780 Virginia Paper Currency Virginia Investigates Gold Backed Currency – Alternative to the Dollar There is a whirlwind surrounding the whole issue of gold back currency that has so many people confused and running around wasting a lot of time. To set the record straight, we had a gold standard under Bretton Woods set up […]

Japan & Russia – Dow & Dollar Bears

If you ever wondered why the Dow Jones has rallied when all these domestic forecasters predict the collapse of the dollar and the Dow, the simple truth is they are so biased and married to this scenario of 1929 that they cannot see the nose in front of their face. They fail to grasp that […]

France Thinks It Can Manipulate The World

The President of France thinks he can have his cake and eat it too. He called on government leaders to agree on a target for the euro’s exchange rate over the medium-term, warning that the rising currency may deepen the recession. That much is true. He also said: “The eurozone must, through its heads of state […]

2 Day Conference – Princeton NJ – March 18-19

We will be holding a 2 day World Economic Conference March 18th & 19th in Princeton, NJ, following the Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference in Philadelphia on March 16th. This event will be held at the Princeton, Nassau Inn. This is directly in the center of town right across the street from the University. The cocktail […]

ECB to Double its Staff

We are on the verge of a very serious collapse in Europe. France has effectively rejected German austerity and if Merkel is replaced by the Socialists, there goes Europe. Behind the scenes, Brussels is blaming, behind closed doors (on good sources), Switzerland and Britain claiming that the Euro would have made it if everyone was […]

Egypt Near Collapse – Part of the Cycle?

The tensions are rising around the globe and they are centered on government corruption and complete failure. This is the price of Marxism. Governments have been promising so much to so many for so long, that as this generation of once hippies comes to retirement, they are getting the short end of the stick. One […]

Monthly Closings Today

In gold, a closing below 16960 will shift this market into a neutral position. Next month, 16700-16900 will become initial resistance.The major support lies at the 15400-15700 area. In silver the major support is in the 26-2700 level. A closing today below 3070 will keep silver in a neutral to bearish mode. Major resistance stands […]

Can the World Really Abandon the Dollar As A Reserve Currency?

Can the World Really Abandon the Dollar As A Reserve Currency? By Martin Armstrong Throughout history there has always been a dominant currency. As each empire became the new financial capital of the world, their currency became the most prized and tended to circulate around the globe into even the fringe economies that they may […]