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FBI Admits to Knowingly Executing the Innocent Using Faulty Hair Analysis

Harvard law professor, Alan Dershowitz, discusses in “America on Trial” several dozen cases that have indeed shaped the United States, transforming the country and its legal system from the colonial period to the present corrupt system of injustice. He provides a broad historical sweep simplifying events that are complex in legal terms, down to laymen’s terms. The […]

Flash Crash Prosecution

The latest pretend prosecution for the 5-year-old Flash Crash of 2010 illustrates just how corrupt New York really is. They ONLY criminally prosecute people who are not from New York. The Madoff case blew up in their faces after countless warnings that there was a fraud reported by many in the industry, which they all ignored because […]

Stocks & the Future Phase Transition – Is Correction Needed First?

At the beginning of the year, we warned that the share market did not show any signs of breaking out to the upside before May, and that there was still a risk of a correction but foreign capital inflows would temper any decline. So far, that has proved to be correct. Nevertheless, we still should get that […]

Gold v Dollar

The traditional mumbo jumbo is dollar up, gold down. However, we may be entering a completely new phase. Gold and the dollar may no longer be archenemies. They are actually now moving to the same side of the fence, for the common enemy is the rapidly approaching electronic money, with so many analysts at banks […]

Climate Change – A Fraud to Justify More Taxes

The global climate change crowd really needs to be imprisoned. They have been deliberately creating a giant fraud that is just amazing. The low in the energy output of the sun was during the late 1700s. They have attributed everything to man and ignored long historical evidence that demonstrates that there is a cyclical beat […]

Duke University Disagrees with Global Warming

Duke University has parted from the other universities who benefit from collecting money to further global warming theories. Duke has done what I have argued, they conducted a study based on 1,000 years of temperature records. They analyzed the whole thing and compared it to the most severe emissions scenarios by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate […]

The Fractal Nature of Capital Flows – Government Running Wild

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, If bull markets are defined by currency flows, how do you explain the fact that the Chinese stock market has over doubled in 12 months? Thank you. ANSWER: I have learned over the years that if someone does not want to listen, you cannot convince them of anything, for their mind […]

Greetings From Frankfurt

I am updating now from Europe. I will be in Europe for nearly two months for a lot of meetings. They would also like me to debate a few economists in a discussion on stage. That should be interesting. Those interested in watching the German TV Show that appeared nationally on Friday can watch it […]

Updating the Markets – The Key is the Corruption That Will Make the Turn

Political corruption is now in the open, but politicians don’t seem bothered, figuring it will all blow over in a week or two. This corruption trend in politics is indicative of what we need in place to shift the CONFIDENCE from government to private come 2015.75. There hasn’t been much to write about for the markets have done […]

Can Europe be Saved?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I find it truly enlightening that you told the European Commission from the outset this idea of the euro would fail because of a faulty structural design. Do you think there is any way to save the European system now? ANSWER: Unfortunately, I believe the entire European project is completely dysfunctional and it […]