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Parking v Investing

There are two distinct trends that we have to divide and conquer to fully understand what we are dealing with (1) Parking capital and (2) Investing Capital The motives behind each are totally different and this goes in part to also the question of the “reserve” status of the dollar. There is the dollar as […]


The U.S. economy shrank from October through December for the first time since the recession ended.We are looking at the net effect of Obama’s Voodo-Economics. Yes, the US economy was hit by the biggest cut in defense spending in 40 years, fewer exports and sluggish growth in company stockpiles. The decline occurred despite faster growth […]

Nothing is Certain

In research, 99% of all mistakes are caused by ASSUMING something from the outset. The ONLY way to conduct research is to follow the breadcrumbs. Whatever you may have thought would be the outcome, is typically wrong. This is why I created a computer model to do research on its own without any predetermine rules. It […]

The Solution?

Comments have already poured in regarding hyperinflation. A new report on Japan the Tipping Point will deal with the worse fiat monetary system in history. That should be ready shortly. Everything follows a bell curve. Some regulation is necessary to establish rules of conduct to provide the reason to come together to form society. But […]

Debt Ceiling – the Real Issues

The failure to raise the debt ceiling would not be negative regarding the creditworthiness of the US. It would signal that politics is becoming so intractable that a deadlock on the political front is reflecting the inability to confront any real debt issues. Policymaking has become insane with critical bills being stuffed with things nobody […]

Here We go Again – Hypreinflation

I really do not understand why people insist that HYPERINFLATION must take place. That ASSUMES government will print to meet its unfunded obligations rather than just change laws and fail to meet promises. They are cutting entitlements already. Yes Rome debased its currency to the point that its worth was 1/50th of its former value. […]

Japan’s New Foreign Policy & USA’s Arrogance

After decades of self-imposed pacifism and dependence upon the United States, Japan is beginning to carve out a new role in regional maritime affairs. Newly elected Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has launched a charm offensive across the Pacific, with Australia, India, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam among the countries Tokyo is bidding to align […]

Politics – Who will Be Blamed

A reader commented: “Since the debt melt down will happen after Obama leaves office in 2016. He will get off scott free of any blame.” That is NOT necessarily the case. Generally, people are getting fed-up with politicians. There are still the sublimely ignorant who will vote for their party regardless of the facts. But […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference March 16th, 2013

Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference Saturday March 16th, 2013 Le Meridien Hotel Philadelphia Many readers who are not “traders” would like a conference outlining the real Sovereign Debt Crisis, how do we survive such an event based upon past experiences, and what are the implications going forward? We will be reviewing the debt levels of all […]

Gold – What Now

Gold remains vulnerable to a collapse although not instantly. A monthly closing beneath 1532 will signal that a drop to the mid-1100 zone is likely. The Goldbugs have already been banning together to try to make sure no one listens to anything I have to say. They remain bent of BUY AND HOLD and are […]