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Inequality of Wealth

1904 View of Standard Oil During the Progressive Era around 1910, the Marxist view of the world was all about the massive wealth of the very rich like Rockefeller. Standard Oil would always rule the world. How could that possibly change? They argued this was undermining economic opportunity for others. The government championed the progressive […]

IMF Reports Warn of Financial Instability – Low Interest Rates Will Be Our Doom

While people argue over fractal banking and derivatives, the dark clouds on the horizon are approaching from an entirely different direction. A virtual secret meeting took place in Washington with the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and World Bank present over the weekend. The mainstream media reported that they only spoke about Greece, but behind the […]

New Polls Show That 75% of Americans See Politicians as Corrupt; 2-to-1 Now Distrust the Police

COMMENT: Martin, First, I want to thank you for all that you do to educate and enlighten — you are living proof that excellence cannot be held down. I just finished speaking with my neighbor whose son was employed with the local police department and was someone for whom I provided a reference. I just […]

Jefferson’s Proposal for an Expiring Constitution on a 19-Year Cycle

If there was ever a person who I would say was a mentor to me with respect to political understanding, it is Thomas Jefferson. It was interesting that Jefferson was often attacked because of his ideas. In an 18th-century presidential campaign, people slandered Jefferson’s candidacy to support John Adams, accusing Jefferson of being “half Injun, half […]

How Banks Wiped Out Eastern Europeans

When Communism fell, there was no private ownership. People ended up owning the place in which they lived for a small fee payable to the government. Suddenly, Eastern Europeans owned property with no debt for the most part. Banks rushed in offering credit cards and mortgages backed by wholly owned property. The banks buried the […]

ZDF Aspekte TV Show on the ECM & More

The popular German cultural show for the younger generation “ZDF Aspekte” (Aspects) sent a film crew to the States to interview me on the Economic Confidence Model, Europe, and a lot more. It should appear this Friday night, April 24, 2015, throughout Germany. The rising generation is looking more and more for answers since the old […]

Nigel Farage – Britain’s Last Hope?

QUESTION: Marty; you probably do not remember me but I too lived in London two doors down from you in Cornwall Gardens. I watched your Solution Conference. It took a few days to sink in yet it was terribly enlightening. I believe you could really help Britain. We kept the pound thanks to Maggie so […]

The Federal Reserve: Part IV – The Bankers Strike Bank

Paul Volcker Former Fed Chairman The entire theory of how to manage an economy via the rise and fall of the money supply being the sole cause of inflation or deflation was discredited post-1971 with the birth of the Floating Exchange Rate System. Unbeknownst to the vast majority, the entire accounting system of trade had been […]

The FORECASTER Internet Showing April 30th and May 6th

There will be a very unusual and special showing of the film, which is a VOD screening. The price has to be $49.95 because they cannot compete with the movie theaters. After the theatrical showings are complete, then it will go down to a normal showing price and the DVD will be available probably in […]

The British May 7th Election – A Prelude to 2016?

The British elections are coming up on May 7th. I will be across the pond for that event. This is the tightest election without any clear winner since 1992. The United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) now has about 15%, and the Liberals, as well as the Greens are below 10% and rapidly becoming a waste […]