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French President Hiding Money?

In France a financial scandal is now threatening to bring down President Francois Hollande, since it emerged that his former Socialist Party treasurer invested in two Cayman Islands offshore companies. Here is the man who is hunting the rich while his own campaign funds go offshore. Amazing!

Just Astonishing

I guess politicians today are not familiar with Euclid. It is just beyond belief but did you know that if x = y and y = z then guess what? It is just astonishing, but OMG x = z: Go figure! That is just totally amazing. It doesn’t take a pocket calculator or a whole new […]

Silver – Beware of 2640

A reader wrote: Yes. I am a “silverbug”. I never attacked you since I am a very open minded silverbug not a fanatic. But now the charts and the prices are showing your theory that in the economy, all the big money goes to the dollar  first. So what should be the primary advice for timing […]

All Gov’ts Acknowledged The Cyprus Model for Bank Bailouts is It

The Cyprus solution was in fact discussed at G20 levels. Numerous papers are starting to surface from Europe to New Zealand where government is accepting the idea that the next time bankers blow up the world, they can just take the deposits. This is even surfacing in Canada. We submitted our proposal to save […]

Cyprus Phase II

One of the most frustrating things is when you really do have to deal with governments and you realize that all those people who spin wonderful conspiracy theories crediting them with such vast knowledge have absolutely no idea how bad things really are. The people in government are largely lawyers. They know the fine detail […]

So What Part of NY Courts R Corrupt You Did Not Understand?

On Friday, U.S. District Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald in Manhattan ruled for the banks, gutting lawsuits about LIBOR manipulation. Judge Buchwald’s nickname is “Buckwild” and she is very much part of the New York crowd. So what part about the court in New York being the most corrupt do people fail to understand? It is […]

North Korea Declares War Against Everybody

Nobody knows what the hell to make of North Korea. Is he insane?  Do we laugh or cry? He can;t reach the USA, but he can reach Japan and South Korea. The one thing talked about behind the curtain is simple. War would be generally conventional. The nuks are there as a backup. If Russia […]

Latin America & Dollar Loans

From South America a reader has written about the trend down there: “You know the same thing is happening in Latin America. Tons of dollars have been flowing there recently and dollar borrowing rates have skyrocketed as all US benchmark rates reached record lows.  Economies are booming and it doesn’t take a genius to see […]

“Hollande” is French for “How to Destroy an Economy for Dummies”

French President François Hollande should get the Noble Prize for providing the script for How to Destroy and Economy for Dummies. He went on TV on Thursday now saying he would make companies pay a 75% tax rate on salaries over one million euros. He is repackaging his Marxist campaign promise that he would impose […]

US engages Military Exercises

Just as Russia called unprecedented military exercise to show force to Europe, the US did the same holding military exercises using B-2s capable of delivering nuclear bombs in South Korea intent upon showing force to North Korea, which in turn responded by putting everything on alert to attack USA mainland.