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Cycle of War & Political Economy

Copyright Martin Armstrong all Rights Reserved January 8th, 2013 At our conferences around the world, we have discussed the Cycle of War and how this too has been incredibly accurate demonstrating that what may appear to be random, is really highly ordered chaos. This turns in 2014. To set the record straight, so far there […]

A Massive Exodus From France

They say the definition of pure insanity is continually doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. Under that definition, all politicians should be committed PERMANENTLY. Entrepreneurs who can move out of France are doing so ASAP. Reports are coming in from Spain, Switzerland, and Ireland where French concerns are starting […]

The Age of Materialism/Consumerism

Copyright Martin Armstrong all right reserved January 5th, 2013 The Age of Materialism/Consumerism Why Starbucks is a Global Success & How Consumerism Created the Industrial Revolution By Martin Armstrong Traveling around the globe for 3 months, there was always a feeling of security when a Starbucks was nearby – except in Italy where coffee is […]

Common Sense – Thomas Paine

Common Sense INTRODUCTION Perhaps the sentiments contained in the following pages, are not YET sufficiently fashionable to procure them general favour; a long habit of not thinking a thing WRONG, gives it a superficial appearance of being RIGHT, and raises at first a formidable outcry in defense of custom. But the tumult soon subsides. Time […]

Interest Rates & 2013

2013 will be the Pi (π) target year for the low in interest rates from the 1981 high. The key in this giant financial crisis is still Europe. Marxism has failed. Russia & China faced that in 1989. The West has to learn this lessen as well. As a whole, Europe will post the lowest economic […]

What was in the “fiscal cliff” Bill?

The Bush tax cuts will become permanent for all individual income below $400,000 (and family income below $450,000). The sequester spending cuts will be delayed two months. Hidden in the last-hour vote in Congress to avoid the “fiscal cliff” included all sorts of arcane provisions into the final bill, covering everything from electric scooters to NASCAR […]

Gold & Underground Economy

I have warned that the role of gold will be primarily as an underground currency. As governments become more and more desperate, people turn to alternatives. I have also explained that as Rome debased its currency, a two-tier economy emerged. Not even the government would accept its own money back for taxes. They imposed taxes […]

Hey Obama – Great Job! BTW: How You Became an Economic Slave.

Traveling around the world for 3 months hitting every place from Hong Kong, Beijing, SE Asia, over to Europe, I met with at least 30 government ministers, central bank committees, hedge fund managers, investors and bankers. A lot has changed in 25 years. I have been warning how Americans have been thrown out of the […]

2013 – A Snapshot of the Future Gold Array for 2013

Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved January 1st, 2013 We have a very serious problem. In gold, everyone is loaded to the gills expecting hyperinflation that will never materialize and governments are getting outright nasty. We have THREE Monthly Bearish Reversals that have now lined up in gold at 15470, 15413, and 15323. We have […]

Year-end Round-Up

The Year-End closings for 2012 were in the S&P 1,426.19, Dow Jones Industrials 13,104.14, Nasdaq 3,019.51, EURO/USD 1.3191, US 10-Year Bond 1.76%, Gold $1,674.30, Crude Oil $91.59. Economic growth will rebound in Asia including China as well as the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South America) . Europe will be the worse on the […]