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The Markets

Gold has been unable to get through the Bullish Reversals in the 1800 area. Even our Quarterly Bullish stands at 1955. The Daily Bearish is 16880 and a close below that will signal a test of support first at the underlying Minor Weekly Bearish found at 16480, 16160, and 15795.Once again, it is timing that […]

The Roosevelt Taking of Gold Was Unconstitutional

  Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved December 6th, 2012 The Roosevelt Taking of Gold Was Unconstitutional Gold is a commodity for trading as well as something you put in your sock drawer for a rainy day. They are two different things entirely. The fanatic Goldbugs who argue only gold will survive and hate my […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis = Banking Crisis

The Sovereign Debt Crisis is of profound importance. What is grossly being overlooked is both the exposure of banks to sovereign debt in Europe as well as Japan. In the case of the former, France has more exposure than all of Europe combined. The French have actually proposed lowering the retirement age from 62 to […]

Political Self-Interest Defeat Pegs & Standards

Whenever government gets involved with the value of a currency, trouble begins. You cannot flat-line a currency while everything else floats. The Europe is in trouble and separatists movements are popping up in a lot of places because the Euro was created in a half-ass manner trying to create a single currency with multiple autonomous […]

Manipulating the World Economy

Manipulating the World Economy by Martin Armstrong posted November 26th, 2012;Copyright all rights reserved Manipulating the World Economy is what governments and bankers have been desperately trying to do. The entire foundation of the “New Economics” of which Paul Volcker mentions in his Rediscovery of the Business Cycle, was to create a flat line in […]

Gold – the Rally?

Gold rallied right up to the Daily Bullish Reversal at 1757 reaching 1757.7 closing at 1755.3. The long-term still looks quite interesting. The question that remains is just when will the Sovereign Debt Crisis hit. Europe is starting to show the ancient cracks. In Spain, there is a separatist movement brewing that is along the […]

Gold – The Rally?

Gold rallied jumping up to the Daily Bullish Reversal at 1757.7 but closed at 1755.3. The Daily Breakout Line stands at 1779 for Monday. A closing above 1570.1 for yearend will make this the 13 year high on a closing basis. We still have to be careful about 2013, which is a major Directional Change […]


The number one topic in Asia and in Europe has been the Hong Kong and Swiss PEGS – will they survive? Read the answer: NO!


The two critical questions on this tour have been what about the Hong Kong-Dollar Peg and the Swiss-Euro Peg? The answer is simple. NEVER in history has there ever been any PEG or STANDARD that has ever survived. Why? Because “shit happens” meaning there is a business cycle that incorporates weather and climate changes as […]


The greatest problem we have is that liquidity is down by more than 50% still since 2007 on a global scale. Governments are getting so aggressive with taxation they are killing the global economy causing capital to just hoard. This nonsense of terrorism has created a global tax gathering process that is unbelievable. Hotels in […]