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China kicking Obama’s Ass

Obama will go down as perhaps the worst President at least since 1900 if not ever. He has torn apart the entire fabric of world peace and whoever has made any decisions in global strategy seem to be some sort of Megalomaniac. Russia has developed planes to ensure they can directly bomb the USA and […]

IMF Tried to keep Floor on Interest Rates at 0.5%

  Tthe IMF said it is introducing a floor of 0.05 percent for the interest rate on Special Drawing Rights (SDRs). The IMF’s move shows how global financial conditions are heading into never-never-land. Just how are these governments going to handle the Great Recession? Will rates go to -10% to achieve stimulus? What they do not […]

A Reason to be Optimistic

 While confronting the fact that we are in a terrible downward spiral with a major Sovereign Debt Crisis which cannot be prevented because we are plagued by total corruption in government,  the ray of hope comes from these profound events I call a Crash & Burn. They are as Schumpeter described, waves of Creative Destruction. […]

Learning to Love

In studying the origin of pensions, it all traced back to the marriage contract. What jumps out at you in this research we are soon to publish, is also at odds with the whole Hollywood idea of “love” that was perhaps part of the New Deal culture that was either intentional or coincidental in its […]

France Really Going After Everyone With Money

France is calling it “low-cost terrorism” and are using the the recent attacks that they claim did not cost very much the reason to now track movement of gold, make it illegal to pay for anything in cash more than €1,000, and anyone trying to withdraw more than €10,000 in a single month in total will […]

Where to Hide – Public v Private

QUESTION: There’s a point I’ve been trying to understand and every time that I read your writings I’m staying more and more confused: How it will be possible with the deflation that already affects several countries, with the bubble burst the bonds, with the financial economic chaos that will destroy several companies, bankruptcy of business, […]

Surviving Your Own Trading Decisions – You Can Be Your Worst Enemy

  One of the biggest reasons people will lose money trading is they are too biased and it becomes a struggle against a particular market. Be it gold and fighting against the downtrend or something like the DAX and fighting against a rally. Whenever you are on the opposite side of a trend, you are […]

Quantity Theory of Money is Being Scrapped

The Quantity Theory of Money that an increase in supply should result in a decrease in its purchasing power (inflation) is being seriously questioned behind the curtain. The simplistic idea is starting to be exposed as an ancient myth. It is interesting how many phone calls are coming in from around the world as people […]

Australia – Politicians Gone Wild

  It seems as though no matter what country we look at, the political class has turned into the worst bunch of people perhaps who have ever occupied office. There is just no exception. Australia’s cushion with the rise in commodities that created the mining boom is heading into meltdown mode. That boom glossed over […]

Terrorism & Greatest Excuse for Everything – Now Canada Joins USA With Indefinite Imprisonment

Obama signed into law the 2014 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), a sweeping defense policy bill, which includes some improvements in terms of civil liberties and human rights on its previous two iterations. However, a number of provisions — as in the 2012 and 2013 NDAAs still allows for indefinite detention. Most brainwashed Americans who […]