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Zelensky & World War III

Our computer warned back in 2013 that Ukraine would be the place where World War III would begin. I warned that the ONLY way to prevent that was to split Ukraine based on the language. While the propaganda is that Kyiv is fighting for freedom and democracy, they have refused to allow Donbas to vote […]

Australia and India Form an Alliance to Lessen Reliance on China

Trade tension between China and Australia has hit a new peak, with Australia now seeking to limit trade with China entirely. Former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said that India will replace China in trade. “For economic reasons, we’re gonna [sic] have to replace China in supply chains and frankly, there is no better substitute […]

Biden Crime Family

  Poor Joe Biden. He just saw what Hillary was doing and said that’s a great idea – selling influence. Remember when Hillary Clinton’s brother was added to the advisory board of the company that owned a gold mine in Hati? He too had no expertise. This is just how Washington works. You can’t give […]

Crisis is Shutting Down – Capital Flows Begin

QUESTION #1: Now that Canadian banks have proven themselves completely compromised by Trudeau and his bootlickers, is there a “safer” haven for $CAD? US$ accounts held by Canadian banks are available but are they really any better? D QUESTION #2: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thanks to your Blog I learned a long time ago that Europeans […]

The Refusal to Understand Economics

Once upon a time, I use to respect The Economist. I even took the back cover in July 1985 to announce that the Economic Confidence Model was beginning a new 51.6-year Cycle that was a Private Wave that would ultimately peak in 2032. I boldly announced the bottom in gold and the peak in the […]

Answering Your Questions

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong. I am confused because you have stated many times that we are approaching the end of globalization, while at the same time saying the Great Reset, which is full globalization, is coming. Please explain. Thanks for your blog. JS ANSWER: Schwab’s Great Reset is the ATTEMPT to create a one-world government. Nonetheless, […]

Israel Added Yuan to Reserve Currency Portfolio

Israel has now moved to add the Chinese yuan to its reserve currency portfolio, which will create a natural hedge against the risk of insanity pushing for war by the United States and Europe. Adding the yuan to the reserve portfolio will automatically reduce the exposure to the dollar and especially to the euro, thereby […]

Fannie Mae Forecasts “Modest Recession” in 2023

Fannie Mae forecasts a “modest recession in the latter half of 2023” and believes the house-buying frenzy will begin to cool in the US. The Federal Reserve’s hawkish direction to curb inflation has led the agency to believe that a “soft landing” for the US economy is unlikely. “With the most recent inflation readings at […]

S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Index Marks New High

Home prices were up 19.2% in January according to the S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller index. It is extremely difficult for Millennials and Gen Z to enter the housing market, as homes today cost 75% more than they did in 1987 – and that’s just when the index first began tracking prices. The agency addressed the problem […]

The Hidden Truth Behind War With Russia

The plot behind Ukraine is far deeper than anyone is willing to talk about publically. Yanukovich was corrupt and his sons were acting like a protection racket. Yanukovich was keen on joining the EU but the treaty had a clause in there that would have put Ukraine in NATO through the backdoor. Ukraine would have […]