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Is the Fed Losing Credibility?

The Federal Reserve pushed back plans to raise its benchmark short-term interest rate, which was widely expected following the Jobs Report. Yet, this was not a credible day for the Fed in the least as they are starting to appear confused and schizophrenic. Fed credibility is beginning to create a crisis behind the scenes that is […]

Analysts Lost in the Cavities of their Own Minds?

  While all the fundamental gold analysts are blaming Yellen for saying she will raise rates because the economy is doing better so gold is falling out of bed, meanwhile, the stock market has been moving higher despite the rate hike expectations. St. Louis Federal Reserve President James Bullard said global markets appear to be […]

Dollar Reality – End of Petro Dollars

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, (a) You say that the world is losing confidence in governments and I do not question that for a minute. (b) BUT you also say that the dollar will strengthen for various probable sounding reasons, which it is presently doing. (whereas many think it will collapse). For the collapse theory: it appears […]

Why the Quantity of Money Theory is DEAD Wrong

COMMENT: Bill Gross says you are wrong and helicopter money is coming and the Fed should print trillions to buy government bonds. Any comments? REPLY:Gross is not making a forecast without self-interest. Gross’ “helicopter money” calls for the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury to engage in another round of quantitative easing (QE) by printing trillions of […]

Near-Simultaneous Earthquakes

Since our model turned up in March for activity around the Ring of Fire in the Pacific, there have been near-simultaneous earthquakes opposite of each other in the Ring of Fire. An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.8+ hit the Kumamoto prefecture in southern Japan on April 18, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency. […]

Market Talk — April 25, 2016

This week all eyes will be focused on Central Banks, namely the BOJ, RZB and time again for the Federal Reserve. Stocks have started the week on a nervous note with all core markets falling as talks of further easing weighs on sentiment. The Nikkei and HSI both attempted early recoveries but to no avail […]

Cruz Defeats Trump in Wisconsin — Is This 1828-1832 All Over Again?

From the outset, inside sources have relayed that Cruz is very disliked behind the curtain. His entire strategy from the beginning has been to be the last man standing against Trump. Cruz assumes the party will install him despite the fact that most really dislike him. All the exit polls show that more than half of […]

The Dow for Today’s Close — April 1, 2016

QUESTION: Dear Martin, I have been reading your work for several years. since you were in prison…I was able to download it from the internet and saved it all. I bought your Gold and Banking Analyses and read your daily pieces religiously. I was not able to attend the WEC as it appears you favor conferences in […]

Market Talk – March 30, 2016

Asia followed the bullish tone provided by the Federal Reserve with a gap higher opening of around 1%. Mainland China and Hang Seng managed to build upon this enthusiasm, eventually closing up almost 2.5% each. The same could not be said of Japan when the Nikkei had problems holding the 17k psychological level. Tomorrow being […]

Is Goldman Sachs Rigging U.S. Treasury Auctions?

Goldman Sachs is at the center of a probe into the rigging of U.S. Treasury Auctions, which was the same allegation that resulted in the Treasury shutting down Salomon Brothers in 1991. I wrote about this incident when Salomon was caught. The fact that such rigging in commodities markets was standard for decades was common knowledge. When […]