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Coronavirus & the Socialist Revolution – Available Now

This report goes into the logistics about this Coronavirus Pandemic and moves into the dangers it presents economically as well as the crisis we face in famine. These people think that they can simply crash the economy and rebuilt it from scratch as if that is a simple task. They risk creating a major economic […]

Coronavirus Bankruptcy Pandemic Continues

Hertz has now joined the ranks of filing for bankruptcy as this lockdown has caused car rentals to crash to virtually zero. Of course, Climate Change activists led by Bill Gates are celebrating. They cheer every bankruptcy they have managed to create with the absurd lockdowns were the first time in history you quarantine the […]

Please Just Click this Survey for the Next book – Cycle of War & the Coronavirus so we Know what to Print

This is the second book in the series we are issuing this year the “Cycle of War & the Coronavirus – the New Threat to World Peace & the Billionaire Usurpers.” This is a very important work and it is the first time the Cycle of War has been extensively researched and documented on a […]

The US Share Market Behind the Scenes

October WEC 2019 QUESTION: I noticed going over your blogs that Socrates picked up the divergence between the Nasdaq and the other indexes you commented on before the crash began. I understand you do not have the time to comment on every market and it is best to follow what Socrates writes. But you said […]

Survey for New Book – “Cycle of War & the Coronavirus”

This is the second book in the series we are issuing this year the “Cycle of War & the Coronavirus – the New Threat to World Peace & the Billionaire Usurpers.” This is a very important work and it is the first time the Cycle of War has been extensively researched and documented on a […]

Ferguson’s Code is Being Reviewed Worldwide with the Same Conclusion I reached

Many more people have begun to review the computer code used to justify the closing of the world economy, including engineers from Germany. This is by far the most UNPROFESSIONAL program I have ever reviewed in my life. It is so bad, it leaves one with the question of whether they have been that careless […]

Coronavirus Bankruptcy Pandemic

The Coronavirus Bankruptcy Pandemic will terminate more jobs than people who were ever hospitalized with the virus. Of the 125 restaurant or retail companies tracked by S&P Global Ratings, about 30% now have a credit rating that indicates they have at least a 1-in-2 chance of defaulting on their debts, which is often a precursor […]

How Can Socrates Forecast Things Well in Advance?

QUESTION: Martin – In the video link you see the blank answer by former Fed Chairman Bernanke when asked, in a 60 Minutes interview, as to where he saw unemployment going/peaking in the last crisis of 2008 (at minute 3:27). How do you best explain Socrates being able to pick up so far in […]

Better to Know than to be Surprised

COMMENT: Hello, Some may view you blog as stirring the masses but for me it is a calming force. Not that I like what is happening but at least I know who, what and why. That’s better than freaking out and wondering if everyone else is insane. This may seem naive but I use to […]

Does the French Revolution Provide the Script for This Virus Coup

COMMENT: Marty, Like you, I’m also a student of history. One clear parallel I’m now beginning to see if the close link between the Democratic Party(Jacobins) and the CDC-WHO-Medical Science community looking to target the center-right(Gironde-royalist bloc) repeating the escalating battle that consumer France starting in 1789. You know the story well. Foreign threats of […]