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Has Fauci Lied Under Oath? Was COVID Created Because of Him?

  Project Veritas has come up with documents that show that DARPA rejected the proposed experiments into creating a coronavirus from bats that was proposed by Eco Health Alliance which was in bed with the NIH and Fauci.     Fauci is appearing in World Economic Forum videos with everyone who is in league with […]

January 6th – Greece v Turkey

Another January 6th, 2022 important geopolitical event was the rising tension between Turkey and Greece. There has been an arms race between the two which escalated going into the end of 2021. Turkey intensified the arms race when it asked Biden to buy 40 F-16 fighter jets to upgrade its Air Force. The move coincides […]

Kazakhstan – NATO & The ECM into 2032

There is a confrontation in the wind. Sergei Ryabkov, Russia’s deputy foreign minister and special negotiator in the US-Russia talks in Geneva, bluntly states that NATO can no longer “push” Russia to a minor role in European and international politics. NATO must return to the borders of 1997. Russia is blaming the US for the […]

January 6, 2022 & Civil Unrest

QUESTION: Your target for this week concerning Russia might be hitting Kazakhstan. The protesters began shooting the military and they set the President’s home on fire. Could this be the January 6th target? EH ANSWER: The protests there are over inflation with the drastic price rise in fuel. I find it interesting that Russia is […]

Market Talk – December 23, 2021

ASIA: Japan’s government is set to unveil its largest annual budget on Friday with $943 billion in spending for the fiscal year beginning next April, further straining the industrial world’s heaviest debt, Reuters reported. The first annual budget to be compiled by Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s government got a boost from Covid-19 countermeasures, social security […]

The International Criminal Court – Fighting For the People (Part 2)

Looking further into the complaint filed with the International Criminal Court, we find additional examples of human rights abuses. PCR Tests Oxford University has discovered that PCR tests are so sensitive that they can detect old infections by tracking fragments of dead viral cells. “Originally developed to detect the presence of DNA and RNA in […]

Market Talk – December 20, 2021

ASIA: Debt problems at a major Chinese property developer have now spilled over into a vital artery of the nation’s industrial engine – the steel sector – and started to ripple through to other critical parts of the world’s second-largest economy. The spreading balance-sheet crisis at real estate firms is a warning for policymakers as […]

The Catacomb Pact – Pope Francis & Schwab

QUESTION: I found your comment on Pope Francis not being the “Peter the Roman” who is supposed to be the last Pope before the destruction of Rome. As you know, the text of Malachy came to light in 1595, in a book by Benedictine monk Arnold de Wyon. Malachy is said to have experienced a […]

What is the Motive

While everyone argues over vaccines and who created COVID, all of these debates and questions dominate 99% of the online agenda. There is something SERIOUSLY mining and that simply the end goal and what is the motive. Some try to claim that there are dark forces hidden behind the images of Gates and Schwab. Some […]

The Pink Tax

Numerous studies have shown that women are often paid less than men, but the pink tax receives less attention. Products marketed to women are often 42% more than products marketed to men. In 2019, that additional tax cost women an extra $1,300 per year. The New York City Department of Consumer Affairs studied 800 various […]