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Phase Transition In the Dow?

No we are not in the final stages of a phase transition. We are still inside the normal channel. To create the phase transition, you have to break through the top of the channel and then really run crazy. In gold, we reached $400 in early December 1979 and then rallied to $875 by January […]

The Dow

There have been a number of questions about the Dow and isn’t it a major high when the central banks are buying? No! There is a huge problem in the reserves of nations as this is why there will eventually be a massive short-covering rally for the dollar. Google dollar devaluation and what you see […]

History of the Dow Jones Industrial Average

The History of the Dow Index It was on July 3rd, 1884, when Charles Henry Dow first began publishing his Dow Jones Index Average. Eight months later when the index was being published daily it was composed of 12 stocks, 10 of which were railroads. Keep in mind that it was the railroads that were […]

Dow & The Future

The Dow Jones Industrials basis the cash has been moving up reaching 14932.68 during the week of April 8th. Next week is the key turning point followed by the week of May 20th, June 3rd, and June 24th. Next week is a directional change si if we see a low that holds 14334 for the […]

Dow Getting Tired

The Dow is starting to get a little tired on the daily level. The Uptrend Channel rests at 14568. A daily closing below 14450 will signal a correction short-term. Volatility starts to rise next week. The Oscillators are confirming on the daily level the market its tired. The big turning point is due the week […]

Fitch downgrades China’s In ANTICIPATION

The Fitch downgrade of China’s credit rating is interesting because it is ANTICIPATING that China will have to bailout the state and local governments as well as banks. Under this approach, Europe should be downgraded to JUNK status.  Fitch downgraded China’s sovereign credit rating for the first time since 1999 because of concerns that the […]

If Cyprus Opens the Banks – This will Be a Meltdown

Merkel said on TV: “On the one hand, the banks must take responsibility for themselves. That’s what we have always said. We don’t want taxpayers having to save banks but that banks save themselves.” It was the politicians who created the Euro when I warned them this would happen because you cannot have a single […]

Hollande is taking France Downhill Super Fast.

President Francois Hollande is the true champion downhill racer of all time. His polls have collapsed the fastest than anyone to ever head a government Hollande is now taking France downhill so rapidly, it is just astonishing. His latest proposal is to cut the salaries of France’s top private sector bosses. Their salaries will be capped […]

Gold – Dow – Dollar

The dollar is not sinking and will actually rise on geopolitical concerns as the safe harbor in  tempest of conflicting trends. Keep in mind that the majority of people who put themselves out there as analysts only focus domestically. They analyze everything as if all roads lead to Washington. That myopic viewpoint is why they […]

The Downside of Electronic Money – What is Left?

By eliminating all money government hopes to get every penny in tax. They are shutting down the global economy for Americans threatening to prosecute any foreign entity who refuses to report on what Americans are doing overseas. How can America expand into the global economy if Americans cannot operate overseas? This is part of the […]