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The Close of August

So far, the markets are generally positioning themselves for a turn at the end of September. The Dow has traded sideways since Thursday, trying to cling to the rebound. We need a closing today ABOVE 17007 to firm up the market, and a closing below 16632 will warn that the Dow is weak going into […]

Top Fundraisers Abandon Bush

What our computer has been forecasting for 2016 is unfolding right before our eyes. It is a product of the trend within the economy. Many Republicans I know are saying that the last thing they want is another Bush. The establishment just does not get it. They have been assuming that Trump is just another Ross Perot who will […]

False Move on the Yearly Level

QUESTION: Marty; This is what you explained at the last WEC. The risk of a false move on the yearly level. Correct? ANSWER: Yes, it is always fractal. A Yearly False Move is rare, and it becomes the biggest possible slingshot to the upside. The Dow made a Yearly FALSE MOVE on a number of occasions. For […]

The Coming Phase Transition & the Dow

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Thanks for all you do.  I do have one question in regards to the Phase Transition above 23000 into the 35000-40000 number you have spoke of.  If we experience a close below 15500 for the month of August and see a continued correction into October to  around the 12000-13000 number would the […]

Forecasting Against the Wind

  The leading story for the sell-off has been Wall Street’s shock by the mounting worries over instability in China and emerging markets. The tumultuous decline has sent investors clamoring to race into safe-haven assets amid the confusion. Why anyone missed this is really befuddling since China’s share market peaked in 2007 and the rally […]

Market Talk – August 24, 2015

“Wild” is an understatement to describe today’s equity market moves. Some say the Chinese are at fault for their unexpected move in currency, but whatever the reason for the increased volatility, you can be sure they will increase margin requirements, which will add to the volatility and further the decline in liquidity. All Asian equity […]

The Three-Month Rout as People Fear New Asian Crisis

This three-month rout in equities is scaring the hell out of everyone. It has changed the view that the Fed will not raise rates, which has sent the dollar lower in what appears to be the bubble in government, particularly in Europe. The bells are ringing this Monday across world markets with a 9% nosedive […]

False Move = August Low in Dow

A false move is measured from the high, not current time. Therefore, a FALSE MOVE would be two to three months from the May high in the Dow, which means an August low. That can be on a closing basis with an intraday in September and a rally for the close, or it is just an August […]

Osborne is Destroying the British Real Estate Market

One reason someone like Donald Trump is so popular is because he is not a brain-dead politician with some practical market sense. The establishment based press keeps trying to sink his ship so we all suffer the pains of no change. In Britain, George Osborne’s “shock tax” is starting to sink in. In the process, hundreds of […]

Market Talk – August 21, 2015

The share markets collapsed and so far the May high looks to have been correct. The decline into this period is having the precise correlated response necessary to create the peak in government for this turn in the ECM – the final rush to quality. The S&P 500 cash previously elected just one Weekly Bearish […]