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Where to Go in the 12 Years Remaining for a Global Political Crisis

QUESTION: Hi Martin I’ve been following your blog for some years now, its the first thing i check why I wake up daily. I feel I get a better perspective of the world around me reading your blogs rather than browsing news sites. There are so many questions on which I would love to hear […]

The Rich v Oligarchs

QUESTION: Hello Martin, You have said ‘the rich get richer by investing’; and as well, you’ve said ‘governments are always corrupted’. What history shows (and many of us have learned) is that ‘big money’ is especially adept at manipulating government for its own advantage. Currently, we call this ‘regulatory capture’. (This includes ‘judicial’ capture). The […]

The Coming French Revolution

  Ever since the civil unrest began on May 5, 2013, there has been escalating economic tension within France. A lack of economic growth has plagued France and Europe as a whole. The French share market peaked in 2000 and has been unable to elect ANY Yearly Bullish Reversals to date, and 2018 appears to be […]

Gold in Currencies & Cryptocurrencies

QUESTION #1: Marty; On the Private Blog 1/19, you wrote “When we look at the Weekly Array, we can also see volatility rising this coming week. The two key weeks ahead are those of 01/27 and 02/17. Therefore, failure to make a new high warns that we may see a retest of support ahead. We […]

Real Estate & Foreign Investment That Drives Up Prices

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you for your free blog–I’ve learned heaps. I believe the greatest disservice a government can make is to allow foreign investment in real estate in their country. I have lived in Canada, New Zealand, and Australia where real estate is no longer affordable for many first home buyers. Inflated prices have […]

Market Talk – February 14, 2020

ASIA: A meeting is being planned between US President Trump and Indian executives, especially those focusing on job creation and manufacturing in the United States, on February 25 when President Trump visits India. Vodafone’s Indian business Vodafone Idea Ltd reported its sixth straight quarterly loss. Revenue fell 5.8% to 1.55 billion USD in the reported […]

The 2020 Elections & the Coming Violence

Democracy is dying and it just looks like we have to go into the crash and burn. President Trump won more votes than any incumbent ever in history in New Hampshire. His rallies attract more people than any other and in most cases, all others combined. The Democrats have adopted such a left-wing agenda that […]

Socrates & the Third Edition

QUESTION: Martin, Thank you for not only the brilliance you share but as a retired firefighter I have to say that your courage in the face of powerful, life threatening government / criminal agents and agencies impresses me as much or more. I was wondering if we can pre order copies of your latest book […]

Is Chile a Warning to All Western Societies of What Awaits Our Future?

Chile was believed to be Latin America’s freest, most stable and richest nation. However, it is now in free fall. Public order has collapsed, violence is rampant, and populism is the new creed of the political class. Chile imploded into a social uprising that was initially sparked by a student protest over metro fare hikes […]

Quebec Issued the First Paper Money in the New World

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, a goldbug told me you were wrong that paper currency did not begin with the Civil War. I told him you have written plenty of times about the continential currency. I believe you said somewhere that paper currency did begin in America. Am I correct in that statement? PC ANSWER: Ironically, the very […]