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Using Pollution to Manufacture “Climate Change”

  Massive chunks of ice have come on shore at Cape Cod. The Global Warming nut-jobs are attributing this too to “Climate Change” caused by man. The fascinating aspect is they cannot explain their theory beyond 1900. They totally ignore basic physics that the sun is a thermal dynamic system which beats like your heart. […]

Politicians are Just Politicians

Hillary has refused to turn over the server for her emails claiming there are personal emails on there with her husband. Yet Bill Clinton has claimed before he rarely used emails. She is a crafty lawyer and has resisted subpoena on every investigation. She justifies a personal account to avoid Congressional subpoenas claiming you can’t […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis on Steroids

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; First thank you so much for sharing with us your views of how the world really functions. While there are the typical conspiracy arguments, you are the only one with experience. My nephew works in a major top 10 bank. He told me everyone reads you on the trading desks and […]

The Forecaster Got a Rating of 8.4 out of 10

  The FORECASTER has received an 8.4 out of 10 rating by IMDb. This is our best shot at waking up the silent majority into seeing the world perhaps in a different light. If we can push back when the time comes, just maybe we can move more toward LIBERTY rather than more authoritarianism. Every […]

Federal Reserve Confusion

A number of people seem to be confused about why the Fed will be forced to raise rates. FIRST you must understand that the ORIGINAL structure of the Fed pre-1935 was that each branch was independent. The design was initially set to be a group of banks who would pool together to stabilize the banking […]

The One-World Currency – Not Arriving Voluntarily

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, do you believe there is a conspiracy to create a one world currency to which the central banks ascribe to? Thank you JE ANSWER: No. That is thrown around by the real conspiracy theorists who see everything as a giant planned plot form people who are actually in control of something. This is […]

China Copies NSA but by Legislation

China will most likely pass a very far-reaching counter-terrorism act which adopts by legislation everything the NSA has been doing illegally behind the scenes and Congress along with Obama have endorsed. China will require technology firms to hand over encryption keys and install security “backdoors” just as the NSA has done secretly. China is effectively […]

What Happens if the FED Does not Raise Rates?

QUESTION:  Dear Martin, If the Fed KNOWS that raising rates will cause a problem (to say the least) for 1) Bond Market 2) rates on reserves 3) Debt interest 4) sluggish US economy with numbers turning down now then why should they raise rates just because capital flows are coming here and pushing up stocks? Why […]

Why Japan is Not Greece or EU For that Matter

QUESTION: Hello Martin There are a few writers who speculate the the yen will be the first currency to fall (because Japan has been tied into QE and flat interest rates for decades already, and their manufacturing is suffering).  How do you think the currency situation will play out for Japan?   thank you   best […]

Bonifatius Comes Africae (422-431AD)

Bonifatius. Comes Africae, AD 422-431. Æ (11mm, 1.06 g, 3h). Carthage mint. Struck AD 423-425. DOMINIS [NOS…], pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Cross within wreath. Cf. RIC X 3810, 3814, and 3817 (obv. legend). Fine, brown surfaces. The reading of the obverse legend does not appear to match any of the expected types within […]