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Why Property Taxes Will Soar, Why the risk of civil unrest is rising exponentially & Why we will see The rise of a third political party

Why Property Taxes Will Soar, Why the risk of civil unrest is rising exponentially & Why we will see The rise of a third political party Anyone who really thinks we have a government by the people for the people, must be smoking something delusional. We are on the precipice of one of the greatest […]

Banking Manipulations – A Systemic Problem

Banks have been manipulating markets, interest rates, and governments for a very long time. The present scandal involving manipulating LIBOR interest rates in Europe that began in Britain is surfacing like a soap opera evolving slowly on the political stage of life illustrating the potential to split the financial world in two like no other […]


Because of the seriousness of Germany forcing deflation upon Europe that could result in war, this fear of hyperinflation is just not warranted and must be addressed. ALL core economies simply collapse in Sovereign Debt Default. Hyperinflation takes place in the peripheral economies and is caused by the failure of capital to invest that is […]

The Problem With Ideals

“My first impression is that this Jason Hommel is as frustrated as the rest of us with the fact that the world (essentially US govt.) does not acknowledge gold as money. His statement:  I BELIEVE ARMSTRONG IS SIMPLY A PRODUCT OF THE AGE OF PAPER IN WHICH WE ALL LIVE.  reveals to me the denial […]

Answering Your Questions

” Hi Martin, thanks for your steady flow of valuable market comments and economic comments. I see that one option during a monetary reform likely facing us in the next 8 years is the launch of a new currency to replace the current or “old” one. If this were to occur, wouldn’t all debts in the […]

The Model – Look Out August-September

One of the most fascinating aspects of our work has been the object of eliminating personal opinion. Therein lies the mistakes. Everyone has an opinion. So what. NOBODY can forecast a market from a gut feeling and be consistent. That is the problem with all forms of analysis that includes pattern recognition or anything that […]

Spain Erupts over Austerity – Day of Reckoning

The crisis we really face is the civil unrest that will erupt when society discovers that the Emperor has no clothes. When people have been promised the moon and believed it, no amount of economic logic will turn their heads to reason. Southern Europe is bubbling with problems. This is a battle between the bond […]

Greek Elections Private v Public

The Greek elections were tight. However, the private citizens beat out the government workers and have decided that for Greece to leave Europe would be a disaster. The riots of public workers protesting the austerity have not ended. The great problem faced by Greece is how to create jobs during austerity to absorb the laid-off […]

HOW DO Empires Die?

HOW DO Empires Die? by Martin Armstrong I began writing what I thought would be a report. Toward the final chapters in Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations, he wrote about Public Debt asking why anyone considered it to be quality since all governments defaulted on their debts and never paid them off. I assumed the […]

The Truth About Gold Why You Should Buy It!

Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved June 5th, 2012 The Truth About Gold & Why You Should Buy It Some people only ever say BUY gold and God help you if you say SELL! Even the pro-Gold radio shows will bar you if you do not agree with them. Guess Mainstream applies to them in […]