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Spain using Facebook to Hunt for Taxes

Spain wants to collect taxes for citizens on Facebook and Twitter using what they say. Spain has its Financial Police to hunt down its own citizens and shake them down or imprison them as they are desperate for money. Last year, Spain went after known athletes for tax evasion. In addition to the social networks, the tax authorities are […]

Cyclical – Techical – Fundamental Analysis

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Is it really possible to combine all three forms of analysis in a coherent manner that is consistent? ANSWER: No. Anyone claiming this can be achieved really has no experience and is more likely than not a snake-oil salesman. The vast array of fundamentals that are taking place simultaneously can never […]

Consumer Credit Moving Higher into 2015.75

Subprime consumer borrowing — encompassing auto loans, credit card loans and personal loans — climbed to $189 billion in the first 11 months last year, the highest total since 2007, according to a study compiled for The Wall Street Journal by Equifax. This is precisely what I mean about living with the cycle. People will spend […]

US & Britain Still Trying to Take Russia out of Swift System

The Austrian ECB member Ewald Nowotny warns to kick Russia out of the international payment system. SWIFT is a neutral service and not a political instrument. Great Britain and the United States have called this step several times in the past. The people in the USA and Britain who even suggest this are trying to create a […]

Manipulations v Reality – Here We Go Again

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong you make very good arguments about markets not being manipulated for long vs the trend, yet then you post that Goldman jailed you and had their programmer jailed so they could manipulate markets. I am sure you will ignore this email, but can you clarify what you mean? ANSWER: The Goldman accusation against […]

People who challenge the system – Russian News

The month of March has changed the lives of three very different people, who in their own way have decided to fight with the System (“Goldman Sachs – FRS”). 1. Sergey Aleynikov, a former employee of Goldman Sachs, the developer of the trading platform, has received 8 years in prison for the transmission codes of […]

The End of 30-Year Fixed Rate Mortgages?

The Treasury Department is looking to wind down Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but without these organizations, there would be few buyers for 30-year fixed rate mortgages in the secondary markets. The 30-year mortgage was created during the Great Depression as part of the New Deal to help revitalize the real estate market. Prices have […]

HARP & Housing Set to Expire in 2015

One of the lesser know government programs to come out of the 2007-2011 ECM Downturn, is the Home Affordable Refinance Plan (HARP), HARP could still benefit millions of Americans and reduce their monthly payments by as much as $4,264 each year. The banks will not tell you that. The bankers are cheering the ending of […]

Oil & the Future – Saudi Strategy Giving Up on Controlling Price Is Only Option

The argument that there was a conspiracy between the USA and Saudi Arabia to lower the price of oil to hurt Russia is proving to be a bunch of nonsense.The Saudi-led OPEC decision of Nov. 27, 2014 to maintain output levels and protect its market share is having a profound impact in the oil industry. […]

Global Warming Crowd Want More Money to Study of all Things – the 4 Seasons

Well Putin must have figured a way to send the cold Siberian Winds over the top of the globe through Canada and all the way down into Florida where it fell to even 30 degrees in Clearwater. Since man can alter weather by turning on his cars, clearly Putin must have turned every car, truck, […]