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Greece the Distraction for France

While Greece captures the headlines, quietly behind the curtain the European Commission has granted France until 2017 to bring its budget deficit below the EU limit of 3% of GDP. So while everyone has their eye on Greece, Europe’s second largest economy has one of the highest social welfare bills and even less of a […]

The Movie and The Goal

The movie just played to sold-out venues in Croatia. I did some press interviews there and the tone of the questions is exactly different from the United States. It is sort of we know the US system is corrupt and protects the bankers, but do you feel comfortable being up front about it and are […]

NSA Destroying American Technology

American technology companies are losing business on a major scale. The NSA will be responsible for wiping out the United States as a leader in computer science all because they have to listen to the entire world like an old woman addicted to soap operas. I find myself totally shocked at Microsoft. I purchased the […]

Crisis in Socialism or Capitalism

There is a debate going on that tries to paint the economic crashes as due to capitalism and we should all follow Marx and eliminate wealth handing 100% of all power to government. There are really a lot of people who think communism was correct and the problem is capitalism thanks to greedy bankers. To […]

Real Estate & The Business Cycle

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I live here in Fairfax County, VA. Wow! The government largesse almost feels like 2006 again. Real estate values have almost climbed back to 2005 levels. I cannot believe that people here are paying 600k for 15-year-old townhomes under high tension wires. I guess it is the low interest rates. Those units can […]

Site is Being Moved Today

We have had a dramatic increase in traffic so much so the hosting company said we were bringing down their entire system. we are moving the site today to a scale-able server. We now how a huge readership in Russia that has suddenly surpassed even Europe as a whole and Asia is growing in leaps […]

Global Warming v Environment

QUESTION: Martin Your writings have brought me from the global warming is a “fact” side back to the undecided. I understand the cycles you are speaking about but I still cannot understand how we dismiss the horrible effects man places on this world between emissions, plastic, garbage, knocking down entire rain Forrest’s fracking I’m mean […]

Fundamentals & Fractals

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; Your piece on fundamental analysis is fascinating. The more I thought about it the more I saw the light. This is why the gold promoters hate you so much. They lure people in with total bullshit from manipulations, paper gold, missing gold Fort Knox, and how Shanghai would end paper gold in […]

Intelligence Agencies Plant Fake Evidence to Start Wars

Are we facing a complete breakdown of trust when it comes to government? They appear to have allowed 911 to take place knowing well in advance of the attack the same as the evidence concerning Pearl Harbor. Then there was Operation Northwoods where they proposed killing Americans in a staged terrorist attack to justify invading […]

Australian Police Give you Tickets Based on their Estimates of Speed

Yes, believe it of not, New South Wales is so desperate for money the police are just tax agents with wheels who can ticket you just because. Police Downunder are now considered to be “experts” and can pull you over and give you speeding tickets based solely on what they THINK you might be doing. […]