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Greece – New Gov’t Signs it Own Death Warrant

The Greek government promises to crack down on taxes and cut civil servants. I really cannot grasp how such morons run governments. How is this going to revitalize the economy? Greece has signed its dead warrant. More DEFLATION for everyone to make sure the debt holders are whole at the expense of the people. We […]

Great Lakes with Historical Record Ice

  The greatest scientific FRAUD of all time has been this Global Warming nonsense. But hey, they are great snake-oil salesmen who manage to get billions of dollars thrown at them to study what they will never admit are just natural weather patterns. This is is so damn cold, I think a few more months […]

Trading – Close v Intraday

QUESTION: There is a directional change the week of 2/23 followed by a turning point the week of 3/2.  Does that mean that the actual high close may come the week of 2/23 but the inter week high may come the week of 3/2?  Thanks in advance for your answer. Regards, C ANSWER: The Directional Change […]

Fundamental Analysis Inversion Process

Here is a video clip from the 1985 World Economic Conference held in Princeton, New Jersey. This is dealing with the inversion process of fundamental analysis at the very beginning of this Private Wave. This is where we were forecasting the birth of the bull market in stocks. Going into 1980, the US Treasury held […]

Bernstein of Watergate on CIA Control of Media

  For the younger generation, in the 1970s, there was the Watergate scandal of the Republicans getting caught in the break-in of Democratic office located in the Watergate Office building. There was always some question about whether Nixon was truly set-up for he was distrustful of the CIA and had actually taken the same posture […]

Comment From the Medical Profession

COMMENT: Mr Armstrong, I laughed out loud this morning reading your blog. Your blog piece about how doctors (health care in general) and lawyers are peaking with 2015.75, I believe is spot on. Looking back at the past 10 years I have been in practice, the fortunes of my group do trace out the ECM. […]

Comment from a Reader & Manipulations

I have received a lot of emails of support ever since the gold promoters once again try to slander me to prevent people from listening to any view other than that presented by them. The most abusive promoters who will never say sell act the same as government and the bankers. It is just that […]

Computer Hard Drives – All We can do is Destroy Them!

It now appears that the hard drive companies had better get off their ass and publicly state they work with the NSA or bring suit for interception of their products that threatens their business and identify the carriers who are involved with the NSA. The NSA’s Office of Tailored Access Operations (TAO) has been already exposed […]

Russia’s Central Bank Biggest Buyer of Gold

  COMMENT: Hello old friend. I really cannot believe how naive these goldbugs are about the real world. Russia’s buying of gold is not a bullish gesture for gold whilst it is merely because the Obama administration is trying to get the Russians to overthrow Putin. Shutting down Russians from commerce only sends them to […]

ISIS The Counter Crusades?

  Trying to understand an opponent is typically difficult because the bottom line is the vast majority of people judge others by themselves. The key to comprehending the world and even markets for that matter, it never turns on what you think, but on what they think. This is why I also say it’s never […]