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The Rise of Asia

  Within less than one year, the United States in its Draconian move threatening to confiscate the assets of any foreign entity that FAILS to report what Americans are doing overseas has so devastated international business it is an understatement to overlook this legislation for it is having the same effect as  the Protectionism of […]


  I promised everyone at the San Diego Conference that I would make a first hand account of the world economy on this trip. Hong Kong property is at record highs. Mainland has let Hong Kong largely alone. In China, what I observed in 1997 when I was invited by the Government to assist after […]

Civil Unrest – Austerity – Gold

Greetings From Hong Kong. The Sovereign Debt Crisis continues to unfold and governments everywhere are still trying to use short-term measures to solve a systemic problem that requires major restructuring of the world economy. Spain revealed yet another plan to cut 40 billion Euro from spending and it will take 3.1 billion from state employee […]

Stagflation – Higher Unemployment with Inflation

The Disappointing jobs growth showing poor figures boosted optimism that the Federal Reserve will act to stimulate the economy next week. The nonfarm payrolls report, which showed job growth of only 96,000 last month, came a day after bold action by Europe to stem the debt crisis drove the US share markets higher with the […]

Update for Gold 9/7/2012

Gold has moved up into the 1700 level. We have closing resistance at 1720.7 – 1720.9. Gold rallied above this level, but this is the area to watch for the close of NYC. If we close above this area, then it is possible to rally a bit more but leaving this week as the highest weekly closing. […]

Gold The Recent Rally

The computer called for a high at this time a year ago. There is nothing new. The same old news of QE3 will be inflationary is just nonsense. We have massive deflation still going on. The key to watch is interest rates. Do a simple correlation and you will see that inflation requires rising interest […]

Obamacare – The Death Squads maybe real.

I have not been able as yet to verify the veracity of this subject. It is offered for your consideration. The Death Squads maybe real. Thanks Obama. Phone_call_from_Neurosurgeon_32bps

The Republican Convention Was A Disgrace to Freedom

While everyone yells and screams about abortion and the right for gays to marry, the most important destruction of the democratic process took place over a pathetic  agenda to simply prevent Ron Paul from having his name nominated from the floor. The RNC stripped all the people of the State of Maine of the right […]

Will we Collapse by August 2013?

Former Clients familiar with the Economic Confidence Model have asked is this a rapidly advancing cycle as was the cast in 1989? The Answer to that question appears to be YES! There, we had the 1987 Crash on the half cycle followed by the collapse of Japan in 1989, and then the rise and fall […]

Debt is Destroying Everything.

Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved August 19th, 2012 Debt is Destroying Everything. Where is Common Sense When We Need it the Most? By Martin Armstrong  This whole Sovereign Debt Crisis is starting to look like Nero playing the fiddle as Rome burns. We have to realize that Western society is at the breaking point […]