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HSBC Geneva Raided

  The BBC is reporting that that the police have raided HSBC Geneva. In New York, bankers still walk on water. Not sure how the US got this bad or why the Justice Department protects the banks so much. The country was suppose to be the land of the free has turned into the worst […]

Entropy – ENERGY & More

QUESTION: Hi Marty…as a long time reader and communicator of your work and with you, ive learnt a great deal since 2008/09 when i first picked up your typewriter written reports….however something has piqued my curiosity lately reading your blog posts. 1) Youve been talking alot lately about the “energy model’, i think alot of […]

How FATCA is Destroying the World Economy & Americans

The horror stories from Americans around the world are just unbelievable. The IRS and FATCA are hunting people everywhere. This is part of the Decline & Fall of the United States. Whenever a government turns against its own people for taxes to sustain its life, the end is never far behind. This is part of […]

Universe without Singularities

There is another group who have attempted to argue against the theory of Big Bang and what I explained would be the Big Crunch. The entire problem in the theory is that no one seems to be able to explain what happens before the instant of Big Bang. General relativity implies there should have been […]

JP Morgan Chase the Riskiest Bank in USA?

Reuters is reporting that JPMorgan Chase & Co bears the highest potential hazard to the financial system among all US banks. JP Morgan Chase has the highest numerical risk ranking of U.S. banks.  in a new US Treasury study. However, they are trying to downplay this by saying this is only the opinion of the […]

A Question About Gold

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I “think” I am finally beginning to grasp some of what you have been preaching, but first allow me to say “thanks” for everything you do to help some of us understand what is unfolding all around us, and “how” everything is connected, and that nothing happens in isolation, again, “thanks” ! Also, […]

Taxes Ready to Create the Next Economic Decline

Between FATCA and Obamacare which starts to fine people this year who cannot afford health insurance (lower classes), we are looking at a massive tax increase for 2016 and beefed-up enforcement. People have to comprehend that you do not have to raise taxes, all you have to do is reinterpret laws that already exist and […]

Ratio Analysis & the Other Side of 2015.75

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I find your unbiased view of gold refreshing. I agree waiting for 35 years is a tad too long. That is half your life if not more waiting for the chance you will be right. Now they are pointing to the Dow/Gold ratio arguing the Dow must crash to 10,000. This honestly […]

The Universe & Maximum Entropy

  A lot of questions have come about TIME. There are cycles that are fixed as in Benchmarks but they undergo a cycle inversion process themselves and produce opposite events. Then there is the transverse wave that expands and contracts. What about the Universe? To put it simply, based upon the existence of cycles and […]

The Fallacy of Comparisons

  QUESTION: Marty, are ratios ever really a valid means of judging value? It seems like that is always the argument to buy. I saw that in 1980 with silver and gold. Now it seems they tout the Gold/Dow Ratio. All I have ever done is lose money on these claims. Any guidance here? JN […]