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The Cycle of Socialism – Is It Inevitable?

QUESTION: Dear Marty, I am hoping you can post this Q in your public blog. I have been following you for several years now and I think you have a great mind. You are clearly a deep thinker and as a result of being such you obviously see solutions to problems others can’t see. But […]

Is the Dollar Overvalued or Undervalued?

The latest claim running around is that the dollar is overvalued relevant to its trading partners, and it will decline as the economy recovers due to imports. You really have to wonder if these analysts are just working from home and have lost all sense of the world because they are locked down. In that […]

Goldman Sachs Agrees to Pay Billions to Drop Criminal Charges Against Them

Goldman Sacks agreed to pay Malaysia $3.9 billion in league with the Department of Justice (who always protects Goldman) in return for Malaysia dropping all CRIMINAL charges against Goldman Sachs concerning the 1MDB fraud. I have reported before that when that deal was coming down, no other firm was allowed to quote the project. The […]

Market Talk – July 23, 2020

ASIA: China has criticized the Trump Administration’s order to shut the Chinese consulate in Houston as an attempt to shift the blame for its failures ahead of the November election, according to state media editorials published on Thursday. China’s foreign ministry, which is threatening “countermeasures,” the Chinese Embassy in Washington said, “We urge the US […]

Market Talk – July 16, 2020

ASIA: China’s economy returned to growth in the second quarter after a deep slump at the start of the year, but unexpected weakness in domestic consumption underscored the need for more policy support to bolster the recovery after the shock of the coronavirus crisis. Gross domestic product (GDP) rose 3.2% in the second quarter from […]

Government & Media Induced Psychological Terrorism

Anyone who ever took a class in psychology will recognize that what the media and government are doing is clear psychological terrorism, which appears to be directed at breaking the bonds of civilization right down to the core. Civilization is created by people coming together and bonding. This is the foundation of a civilization built […]

LOCKDOWNS – When Will they End?

This COVID-19 is a virus that will be with us into the next couple of years, yet it will mutate as all viruses do. We need a completely new crop of politicians because lockdowns are not the answer. Do these people really think they can keep locking people down for the rest of our lives […]

Tyranny Rising Using COVID Behind the Old Iron Curtain

COMMENT: Hi Marty, More and more tyranny every day, everywhere. The Slovak Parliament will shortly vote on a new law proposal – which is expected to pass easily – for even more surveillance due to the alleged virus. The law forces mobile operators to pass onto the government information (based on roaming info) on people who […]

Market Talk – July 14, 2020

ASIA: The United States is sending two aircraft carriers into the South China Sea at the same time as China is conducting military exercises in the contested waterway, the Wall Street Journal reported. The USS Ronald Reagan and USS Nimitz would be in the South China Sea from Saturday, the US news outlet quoted the […]

Market Talk – July 9, 2020

ASIA: The Chinese and Indian border defense forces have taken effective measures to disengage from front-line contact in the Gallevan Valley on the Sino-Indian border, based on the consensus reached at the recent commander-level military talks, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian told reporters on Thursday at a regular press conference. US President Donald Trump […]