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Chaos of Weather Record Heat Wave Coming – Fraud of Linear Predictions

This weekend the forecasts are calling for a blistering, dangerous heat wave which is poised to scorch the southeastern U.S. over the Memorial Day weekend. I warned that our computer was showing a sharp increase in volatility in the weather. The winters would spike to new record lows and then the summers would spike to […]

Market Talk – May 24, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: China is accusing the U.S. of seeking to take over and capture global business. However, Beijing stated today that they are committed to striking a deal with the U.S., even with pressure against Chinese company Huawei. The Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. is asking for a balanced approach to the trade deal, […]

QE & Its Failure

QUESTION: Dear Martin, During WEC in Rome I came to understand that the issue with QE is that it did not create any inflation in the USA. On the other hand, as you mentioned the inflation is being calculated in a different way that it used to be in the future. How come then the […]

The Threat of Protectionism

QUESTION: Marty: I read you every day and I am one of the fortunate people to have a financial advisor that attends your Conference every year in the US. I am wondering how Airbus will be affected in the future as the Euro further declines. Thanks, RM ANSWER: This is one of the aspects that […]

Market Talk – May 10, 2019

ASIA: As mentioned in yesterday’s MT, the U.S. raised tariffs on China after the most recent deadline of 12 midnight eastern had passed. Trump earlier this week said that he was frustrated by the lack of progress (regression) in negotiations, while today he stated there is no rush to the ongoing talks now that the […]

WEC 2019 Rome The Great Unknown

This year’s World Economic Conference was most interesting. We really had to put our thinking caps on because we have entered the Great Unknown where Keynesian Economics has crumbled to dust. We have to reassess the future and how this will unfold as the central banks are beside themselves in many countries and the contagion […]

The Next Major Shift in Society

QUESTION: Do you see this new age of the internet destroying jobs that result in a Great Depression as you have illustrated with the advancement of the combustion engine in altering the agricultural economy as we move into the future? What is the future for our children? Thank you KL ANSWER: Society historically moves through […]

Concrete Buildings Create C02?

The latest thing now is that constructing office buildings out of concrete and steel is now claimed to account for 5% to 8% of total greenhouse gas. They are now proposing to construct skyscrapers out of wood that are 35 to 40 stories high. They now argue that concrete structures are huge contributors to greenhouse […]

Tax Scheming

QUESTION: Martin, Washington State DOT is planning to bond against toll revenue generated by express toll lanes on or highways here in Western Washington. These express toll lanes were created by our DOT by stealing a general purpose lane and turning it into a toll lane. The pricing strategy is to keep the roads moving at […]

The Dawn of the Great Financial Unknown

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I assume you read that Mr. Nagai  has confirmed what you have been saying that the central banks have destroyed the bond markets. I must confess, his comments have finally struck a vein in our senior management. I have been trying to explain your view to them but nobody wanted to think […]