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Colonel Douglas MacGregor & Sources

COMMENT #1:  I have been watching Colonel Douglas MacGregor (ret), on alt news sites. He is a former tank commander in the Gulf war and has worked extensively with NATO, before retiring. I love his direct commentary – so in a nutshell he says the following: 1. Ukraine has lost up to 250k troops and […]

Time is Always Fixed – Crude is the Example

QUESTION: Thank you for the interesting update on Crude & Natural Gas previously. Since Feb was a Directional Change and March is a turning point, then the cycle inversion for a March high rather than a low looks still choppy with no breakout. Since electric car demand has peaked, the Fed seems determined to get […]

Biden Administration Controls Britain & the EU

The Biden Administration is control the EU and Britain. They cannot independently expand the supply of arms to Ukraine, since the main decisions in this regard are still being made in Washington, as the former British Foreign Secretary William Hague has admitted. The Biden Administration has been completely usurped by the Neocons. They are writing […]

We Need to Question Who Authorized This Act of War

(Download this in PDF to forward to your Politican Wherever you are: Impach 3-6-23 ) Everyone needs to write to their Congressman and Senator demanding an investigation NOW! The acts of Victoria Nuland, most likely the leader of the pack, Antony Blinken, and Jake Sullivan actually rise to the level of Treason, – engaging in […]

Biden Drafting Everyone for Zelensky?

  This is the FAKE Video that has made its rounds on Capital Hill and has driven the reality of war into some people’s scope of vision

Is Zelensky the Anti-Christ?

  A lot of people are writing in asking interesting questions about Zelensky. I seriously doubt he will be remembered with any respect by history. Indeed, Zelensky is by no means a world hero. He deceived Russia by pretending to promote peace to get elected and the Ukrainian people, but certainly not the world. He […]

2032 & the Real Great Reset

COMMENT: Marty; A lot of people are concerned that you may just say the hell with it all and move to your island in the Caribbean. A lot of us always stood by you and many more are joining the ranks. There are so many who claim to be brilliant analysts but it is just […]

Denmark cancels public holiday to finance higher military spending

  Denmark scraps public holidays in order to fund higher military defense spending when behind closed doors, the EU is anticipating sending in troops to fight Russia in Ukraine. The Parliament in Denmark passed a corresponding bill to abolish the “Great Day of Prayer” as a holiday in the future. After all, it was just […]

The Collapse in Confidence in Biden is Building

I know a lot of people are deeply concerned about how the Biden Administration has been usurped by the Neocons who are deliberately driving us to war. I can tell you that writing letters to your representatives does have an impact. Getting everyone to flood your senator and congressman for that is the only way […]

Do Not Fear Nuclear War – You Can Survive!

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong I have been reading your blogs for the last couple of years. I’m a simple human, not a scholar but so scared about nuclear war, Is nuclear war 100 percent coming here in the USA? If so any suggestions as to what we can do to survive? where should we go ? […]