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The Fate of Britain Special Report

The Fate of Britain is an extensive report on BREXIT and the problems that are faced. The pro-EU faction has the upper-hand and they really could care less about what the people voted for. The view of government concerning the people has always been that they are stupid and ignorant of what is best for […]

Our European Tour – Part II – Seizing All Bank Accounts Throughout EU

  Many financial firms in London claim to be looking to move to Frankfurt or Paris with BREXIT. They are going to have a very rude awakening. The proposition to demand all euro clearing takes place inside the EU will be the death of Europe – not the rebirth. The dominating position in Brussels among […]

Market Talk – July 26, 2017

Asia closed broadly positive following yet more European and US stock records. Given stock strength has reversed the yens gains and in late trading see the currency back above the 112 level. The Nikkei added an additional 0.5% with automakers benefiting as European rivals suffer from detrimental events but also as better than expected results […]

Market Talk- July 17th, 2017

The better than expected GDP release we saw from China was unfortunately, only a positive influence for a short period, then profit taking and summer liquidity took over. Shanghai has had a good run so far but having had the Index inclusion and probably suffering from a stronger currency. Second quarter released at 6.9% compared […]

Get Ready for the Phoenix – The Reality of a One World Currency

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Are you aware of the 1988 Economist article predicting that in 30 years from then we would all be using the same currency?  That is strangely your target of 2018 when you have warned that the Monetary Crisis will begin then. I met an attendee from your 1985 WEC there in Hong […]

May Forms Government To Retain Power in Britain

Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May has at last secured a governing majority in the UK Parliament by agreeing to spend £1 billion on top of £500 million previously promised to Northern Ireland. Of course the stability of the May government going forward will be delicate as Jeremy Corbyn does his best to bring down the […]

European Commission Trying to Seize Control of Euro

I reported previously that the European Commission is seeking to take the clearing of the Euro derivative transactions from London and move them to Paris. The European Central Bank (ECB) is warning that it must secure strong access rights for the supervision of the cross-border settlement of financial transactions after the departure of Great Britain from […]

Britain on the Edge of Collapse?

  So far, Prime Minister Theresa May has been unable to form a majority government. She is now officially on the clock and being unable to strike a deal means her government will fall apart. Negotiations with the Democratic Unionist Party, a far-right Northern Irish outfit whose support seems necessary for her to win the vote, […]

Market Talk- June 23, 2017

Most core markets finished a quiet week with limited volatility and little change. The Nikkei closed small down while the JPY set a similar trend, eventually finishing mid 111’s. A lot of the talk and discussions have been around the Hang Seng and the Chinese markets. Having just included 222 of the core Shanghai this […]

Market Talk – June 22nd, 2017

The oil price to continues to unsettle markets and had a particularly heavy influence on European markets yesterday. US held in well but Asia looks to be turning over as we progress through the week. The ASX bounced (+0.7%) from yesterdays lows as the AUD played around unchanged levels (0.755), even as the NZD continued […]