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Ukraine – ALL OUT WAR

  Ukraine is turning into an outright Civil War. The mercenaries have been attacking the protesters and the death-toll just keeps rising. We have people there on the ground and this is very disturbing to say the least. Kiev has been closed. You cannot get in nor get out. The war is spreading beyond the […]

Global Warming & Snow Everywhere – Proof now of Global Warming? They Never Heard about Thermodynamics

COMMENT: Sir, Living in Switzerland and being aware of the little ice age that extended the local glaciers to significantly lower elevations, I was curious to look into the research of  Baliunas. As a citizen of Australia I was gobsmacked to read in the opening pages of this research that links considerably cold weather in […]

Russia to Expand 2017.786

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) formally ceased to exist on December 26, 1991 (1991.986). Three wave of 8.6 years targets when Russia will attempt to rise and that places us squarely within the scope of the Cycle of War – 2017.786.

Tensions for War Are Rising Globally

In Japan, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe bluntly spoke the truth that the current Sino-Japanese tensions and relations are similar to those between Britain and Germany on the eve of World War I. Indeed, the Financial Times reported that Abe said on Wednesday that Japan and China are in a “similar situation” to the two European powers […]

Cycle of War – Gold – Sovereign Debt Conference March 21st

  The Occupy Wall Street movement was the nonviolent beginning pre-2014. We are now entering the violent stage of the Cycle of War. This Conference is being offered to everyone at $250 a seat. Cycles of War Conference March 21st, 2014

March 21st Cycle of War – Gold – Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference

The Cycle of War is turning up in 2014 and this cycle is already having a profound impact both internationally as well as internally around the globe. This cycle has been extremely accurate and has been established using a database that has indexed the war cycle distinguishing domestic conflicts (revolutions) from international war. This index […]

Understanding Intelligence

QUESTIONS: Several questions have asked the same thing. First, for understanding terms, look at out Glossary, Trading Terms, and Monetary Terms. Regarding the Global Market Watch: Mr. Armstrong; Your Global Market Watch called for a crash in gold when it made a new high and closed higher. The next day it indeed crashed as if […]


QUESTION: Dear Mr.Armstrong, Long time reader here, have read all of your materials since posted online and continuing on to your blog now. I have also been to your conference held in Bangkok 2 years ago, and I remember I wondered if it was a suitable location given its constant political upheavals, it’s a shame […]

China’s Sovereign Wealth Fund $575 billion and growing

Europe and the United States cannot compete for the future because their governments are like black holes sucking in the wealth of their own people and squandering it on unproductive forces. When we look at the former communistic empires of China and Russia, we see countries building from clean slates rather than imploding trying to […]

Riots in Spain Turning Massively Violent

  In Spain, protests are turning into street battles between the people and police. In Madrid, violence erupted on Thursday in an all out street battle between protesters and police. The new laws against protesting only aggravate the situation yet thousands have been thrown in jails. The Cycle of War is alive and well and the […]