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Markets Dow & Gold

The Dow rallied for the normal bull count of 11 days reaching 14475.40. A closing below 14333 will signal a pause and a close below 14218 should signal a retest of the mid 13,000 level. Gold needs a closing above 1588 to signal a pause in trend for now. The low on this move came […]

New Highs on Dow – Low Volume?

We have to keep in mind that the world economy has not fully recovered. Trading volume on a global scale is about half of what it was in 2007. The Dow is ONLY making new highs in dollar yet. The low volume is actually bullish from the standpoint it is not OVERBOUGHT. We will see […]

The Dow High Nobody Believes

The Dow Jones Industrials has rallied in the face of incredible skepticism with a litany of reasons why it shouldn’t be happening, that are of course all domestic oriented. This is fantastic for it shows the market is NOT historically at a high. Bubbles come when the vast majority claim the rally will never end. What is […]

Dow Makes New Highs?

The Dow makes new highs. Sorry: This is an international market NOT simply domestic. The key to REAL forecasting is global NEVER in isolation. You simply cannot forecast ANYTHING in isolation. Now the gurus will come out claiming to have called it as they always do. Just ask how? This model has been unbelievable on […]

The Real Story of What Went Down Today in DC

I just got off the phone with REAL contacts on Capitol Hill. John Boehner is a country-club-Republican who stands for nothing of any true substance. He will cut a deal for the sake of cutting deals and believes you can split the difference over golf. He was not a fan of the sequester. Nonetheless, he barely held […]

The Real Story What Went Down in DC Today

I just got off the phone with REAL contacts on Capitol Hill. John Boehner is a country-club-Republican who stands for nothing of any true substance. He will cut a deal for the sake of cutting deals and believes you can split the difference over golf. He was not a fan of the sequester. Nonetheless, he […]

Europe & Japan Going Down the Toilet

Question: “Europe along with Japan look like they are preparing to be flushed down the toilet,” would you anticipate their equity markets to be flushed down the toilet as well.  (Not necessarily a crash, but a very large correction). ANSWER: NO! This is part of the Sovereign Debt Crisis. I was speaking politically ONLY – […]

The Dow

The Dow Jones Industrials have only reached 14102. They have not yet exceeded the 2007 high. Nonetheless, the market is paused for significantly higher highs and for now we are still in a staging position. Today should have been a Directional Change and the Dow backed off. Still, we face a lot of volatility building […]

Dow – Near-Term Risk

There is clearly a risk of a temporary high this week. It is 13 weeks up, and the momentum is losing ground. Nevertheless, our energy models are not excessively overbought. Here is what the resistance looks like. Volatility starts next week. If we get a low into July/August, then a rally will follow thereafter. A […]

Gold, Dollar & the Dow

The questions about gold v the Dow seem to be relentless. Here seems to be the number one question people ask. “Are you saying Gold & the Dollar and Dow can rise together?” Most of the nonsense about gold are sales pitches designed to convince people to buy. They far too often are not well […]