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Nature of

The Nature of Timing Models The nature of time has always been a puzzling and intriguing subject. Jules Verne gave us bold glimpses of time portrayed as another dimension through which man may one day travel back and forth. Einstein explored the question of time in his Theory of Relativity. Time to the investor is […]

Timing and Volatility

Timing and Volatility Models Princeton Economics utilizes 5 separate models to identify turning points and periods of changing volatility. They are: Composite Timing Models Empirical Timing Models Trading Timing Models Bifurcation Models Volatility Models Composite Timing Models There are numerous types of cyclical activity within economies and markets. Some cyclical trends expand and contract with […]

How to Use

How To Use Time Using timing models to enhance your investment or corporate strategy decisions may take some getting used to. Many people assume that forecasts concerning time may possibly be accurate in the short-term, but they remain skeptical about long-term timing forecasts. Many argue that major political events, such as the upheavals in Russia, […]


Introduction This trading manual is NOT another technical analysis guide on how to use RSI, Stochastic, MACD or any other technical indicator you may have read about in the past. This is NOT another text on how to measure momentum, money flow analysis, or construct an advance/decline line. Moreover, we do not teach pattern recognition […]

Global Model

Global Model Since the dawn of time, man has tried desperately to predict the future. Man has gazed upon the stars, summoned soothsayers and astrologers and sought guidance in the patterns of tea leaves and chicken entrails. He has studied the movements of planets, comets, and even the flight of an owl. However, no matter […]

Artificial Intelligence

Forecasting markets has always been a nightmare to say the least. Just when you think that you have everything figured out, the trend suddenly emerges in the opposite direction. The science of forecasting itself has encountered a rather shabby reputation largely due to the number of people in the field who think they have everything […]

Debt Forecast & Solution

Solutions For The Debt Crisis © Martin A. Armstrong The general perception of interest rates and debt within the financial community is about as far from reality and common sense as one might be in this day and age. With government deficits still a major problem and no solutions from the political arena in sight, one […]

The Cycle of Political Change

The Cycle of Political Change Republicans will Sweep Capital Hill in 1994 © Martin A. Armstrong Far too many analysts constantly compare every downturn in the stock market and economy to the Great Depression. The majority of stock market analysts have been looking for a major top and a big crash ever since they missed calling […]

Rise & Fall of the CPI

The Rise & Fall of the Consumer Price Index © Martin A. Armstrong It is often said that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. Oddly enough, the same can be said of inflation. You will undoubtedly read headlines which state that inflation is under control. You will also read of analysts who continue to […]

Judgmental Forecasting and Fundamental Analysis

Judgmental Forecasting and Fundamental Analysis © Martin A. Armstrong Each year I personally meet with more than 1,000 corporations and I lecture before another 5,000 to 6,000 at various business gatherings. With the exception of our long standing clients, better than 90% regard technical models for forecasting as not quite on par with good old fundamental […]