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New York Times Partly Responsible for the Violence

  New York Times Publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. has admitted that his paper was unconstitutionally biased and disgraced the very principle of the First Amendment. Sulzberger tries to cover-up their bias by saying they underestimated Donald Trump’s support among American voters. He then claimed they would “rededicate ourselves” to the newspaper’s standards of “honestly” reporting news. […]

The Rising Civil Unrest in America is Highly Dangerous for the Future

  The American Revolution was inspired by one book entitled Common Sense by Thomas Paine. We even find British political tokens with the saying “END OF PAIN“, which was obviously a pun on his name. He was demonized by the British as the man who inspired the Revolution. According to this intense studies of the Continental Army […]

Trump Fires all Lobbyists – Keeping His Word & More

Trump is keeping his word so far. He has admitted that he was part of the problem paying lobbyists to get preferential treatment. As they say, if you want to catch a thief, you hire a thief. In this case, Trump has really been on the other side and admitted he even paid Hillary to […]

The Collapse of Socialism/Marxism

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your conference was exactly as you have said. A fantastic networking event. It was like a college reunion of like minded people coming together from around the world. At the cocktail party, you said 2015 was simply the 26 year “differential peak” in western governments. I didn’t get a chance to ask […]

The Color Purple – Not the Movie but a Revolutionary Movement

USA Today showed this photo by Olivier Douliery, it portrayed the color purple as the very words handed to them by Clinton, Inc.: “Purple is the blend of red and blue. It’s one of three colors of the suffrage movement. And it has deep ties to Christianity.” Purple was the color of royalty. Nobody but the Roman […]

The New American Communist Revolution?

QUESTION: Dear Marty, The computer forecasted perfectly the Trump victory. Now some people are trying to prevent a Trump presidency. Is President Elect Trump going to be impeached or obliged to resign ? What does the computer is forecasting and what do you think about it ? Thank you very much, LB ANSWER: No. Trump […]

George Soros – The Man Trying to Create A Socialist Revolution?

George Soros is a Hungarian born August 12, 1930 who became an American. I believe he has done everything possible to further a Marxist takeover of the United States and his support of the Orange Revolution in Ukraine should not be confused with any sort of actual freedom. Ukraine has merely replaced one group of corrupt officials […]

The Black Box?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; it has become expressly clear that you have created a model which beats everything out there. Your forecasts on gold that it would rally up to 1362 and then crash was impressive as was your call for new highs in the Dow back in 2011. Nevertheless, these forecasts pale in comparison to your […]

Trump Post-Election

Trumps’ campaign manager most people do not realize was a WOMAN. Kellyanne Conway is the first female campaign manager to win the Presidency for her candidate. She did a wonderful job with Trump’s strategy. She appeared on many hostile media shows and charmed them. And she made history with Trump’s victory. So much for Trump hating women, […]

The Real Clinton Conspiracy that Backfired – The Worst Candiate in American History

Meanwhile, Hillary lost not merely because she misread the “real” people, she decided to run a very divisive and nasty negative campaign, which has fueled the violence ever since. According to WikiLeaks emails from campaign John Podesta, Clinton colluded with the DNC and the media to raise what they thought would be the extreme right among Republicans […]