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Biblical Swarms of Locusts Threaten Food Supply to a New Virus that Kills

Many people have been writing in highlighting things around the world that all seem to be taking place with this turn in the ECM. One is the sudden swarm of Locusts into Kenya that the UN has warned presents an ‘extreme danger’ to wipe out the food supply. Sky News reports it as the worst […]

Can Central Banks Ever Control Long-Term Rates?

QUESTION: Marty, you said that central banks can only control short-term rates not long-term. Do you see a scenario where they could control the long-term rates? Thank you for your insight DH ANSWER: If you ASSUME that there is a free market, then the answer is no possible way. Under a hybrid market, a central […]

How Do Empires, Nations & City-States Fall – The Dark Age Cycle

  This is a special report which includes for the first time “The Dark Age Cycle” which looks into how do empires die. Sometimes they just collapse, yet at other times, civilization also collapses and moves into a Dark Age. This report distinguishes all the historical changes which have taken place and the rise and […]

The Fate of Europe

This is a special report entitled “The Fate of Europe” which dives into the shocking reality behind the curtain of the Euro and why it has failed to become a major reserve currency. The Fate of Europe is a very important report to understand the backdrop to what we face going forward and the risks both […]

Market Talk – January 6, 2020

ASIA: China has replaced their liaison officer with Hong Kong over the manner in which the protests were handled. The new liaison officer was quick to offer a way back to China by urging Hong Kong they must return to the “right path.” Luo Huining was confident he was able to stabilize the country and […]

Market Talk – January 3, 2020

ASIA: US President Donald Trump announced a date for the signing of the first phase of the trade deal. He said the first date will be the 15th of January as well as announcing via twitter that he will be traveling soon to Beijing to work out phase 2 of the deal. Taiwanese President Tsai […]

Vaccines & Corruption

COMMENT #1: Thank you so much for addressing the vaccine crisis in this country. You are brave indeed to always stand up for what is right. Obviously, that’s why they try to shut you up. Your courage is infecting. Keep it up! DV COMMENT #2: Thank you for your blogs on vaccines. Here in California, […]

Market Talk – December 12, 2019

ASIA: According to reports from Reuters, China is trying to propose a plan to promote Macau to be its next “Hong Kong” by building it into a world-leading financial center. China unveiled plans of creating a yuan-denominated stock exchange, as well as allocating extra land to Macau for it to grow. The region was a […]

The Mother of All Financial Crises on Schedule

QUESTION: Can you elaborate on the Mother of all Financial Crises? HV ANSWER: Sorry, no. I have put this together in a special report. I really do not wish to discuss this publicly. I will only be blamed for starting a panic as they have done every time before. So best to keep confidential. Clients […]

Market Talk – December 5, 2019

ASIA: China warned the US that a “price must be paid” for the latest sanctions imposed due to the China’s oppression of the people of Uighur decent. It seems this is a step back in the long discussions over the trade war. Japan, under Prime Minister Abe, has approved a stimulus package worth in excess […]