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The 2024 Outlook

The 2024 Outlook Report provides a wealth of forecasts for 2024 with both Yearly and Monthly timing arrays of the three US share market indices, US 30-year bonds, Gold, Crude Oil, the Euro, DAX, the British pound, FTSE100., Norway currency & share market, and Japan with both the currency and share market.

The lead articles cover the elections, the EU Political Crisis, the Risk of Capital Controls, the Coming Crash of 2024, the economic outlook, and the cycles of Iran vs the West.

This report lays out the timing for the year, when we should see highs and lows. In addition, you will notice that many markets show something on the horizon from July into October.


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The Great Reset

This report goes into great detail about a well funded & well-organized coalition to not just impose vaccines and depopulate the world, which may even be a ploy knowing they will not vaccinate China or Russia, but to actually destroy the world economy to end fossil fuels and impose by bribery and collusion their vision of how the world should function to stop Climate Change and impose by decree ZERO CO2.

We are facing massive unemployment as they wipe out industry and continue to try to keep people locked down to reduce CO2. For two months, Britain needed less electricity and they shut down coal plants. There is a fleet of cars that remain unsold and even Hertz was forced into bankruptcy. They have shut down tourism and Southern Europe will not survive without massive bailouts blowing the entire debt situation to insanity.

There are even two types of vaccines they have been developing. The first is the standard where they inject you with a portion of the virus. But Gates has also funded vaccines that operate totally differently. They are targeting your genetic DNA to alter it under the pretense it will prevent COVOD-19.

Most people do not realize that former Chancellor  Helmut Kohl of Germany who admitted he acted like a dictator to create the Euro denying the German people any right to vote on the question, was caught in 2000 with massive bribes he had taken and the CDU even distanced itself from him. When he died, there were accounts in Switzerland with millions of undisclosed and cash transactions in parking lots. All of this corruption created the Euro outside any democratic process. This is the very same strategy being employed and politicians embrace this agenda against the people and many will be shown to have also taken bribes.

This report dives into every aspect and documents their agenda from calling for a 400% increase in taxation and providing Guaranteed Basic Income for those they put out of work to stay home and just watch TV on a minimal subsistence.

Welcome to the New Green Socialist World Order they're strategically marketing as the Great Reset. This is probably the most outrageous political strategy every devised to deliberate defraud everyone of any human rights that will only exist at their pleasure. There has been no greater diabolical pilot perhaps in human history.


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Monetary Crisis Cycle Report

Like clockwork, we tend to go through these monetary resets because those in power lack the experience of a trader and always design some system that is destined to fail. The gold standard under Bretton Woods failed because they fixed the value of gold at $35 but never fixed the supply of dollar. Eventually, there was not enough gold to back the money supply at such a fixed ratio. In creating the Euro, they refused to consolidate the debts. They again tried to create a currency but then lacked even government bonds to back the currency as was the case at the Federal Reserve.
We truly must come to an understand not just what is money, but what is the true role of money within the economy. It is one thing to argue that there is a Monetary Crisis Cycle which runs through history like a regular heartbeat. But what are we truly measuring? There are arguments that many have made that money must be commodity based and have some intrinsic value. This concept truly goes back to the very beginning or society when we simply were engaging in barter – I will give you three potatoes for two carrots. There was no “labor” factor at this early stage. It was still very primitive.
Understanding that the value of currencies is no longer some tangible commodity or bond, but it is the collective capacity of the people. Some third world countries can have twice the amount of people as the United States, but if they lack the entrepreneurship to create an economy, then it means nothing. Russia has all the hard assets, but not the creativity of China. China, Japan, and Germany all rose from the ashes without gold using only fiat currencies.
This report deals with the coming Monetary Crisis Cycle and the reset we historically go through periodically. This is due in 2021-2022 and we can see this coming like a train approaching down the tracks. First there was the Inverted Yield Curve, then the Repo Crisis, now the Central Bank Crisis, and next the Monetary Crisis. Welcome to the interesting times of the 21st century.


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Hoarding Dollars


"Hoarding Dollars"
"The Fate of the Euro"
"How Do Empires, Nations, & City-States Fall"

2019 World Economic Conference – Orlando

2 Day Conference with guest moderator Michael Campbell, the voice of Vancouver, BC’s “MoneyTalks” Radio. Topics range from The Creation of the Euro, 2020 Election, Destruction of the Bond Market and ECM Targets for Change.

Unlimited Rental. Includes Q&A Session from both days.


The 2019 Canadian Outlook Report

The 2019 Canadian Outlook Report provides the outlook for the Canadian dollar both against the Greenback as well as against the Euro. Aside from the politics with the federal elections coming in October, we have also provided the outlook for the Canadian share market as well as interest rates followed by the real estate market.

As we head into 2020, we are facing not just a recession into next year, but also a major turning point in 2020 that will result in a rather significant new trend. So hold on tight. We are approaching one of the most important turning points perhaps in your lifetime.


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Again, this report is digital -- a hard copy of the report will not be sent with this purchase. Also, given the digital nature of these reports, refunds are not offered. Please consider this before you place your purchase.

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Now What for 2017

Prepare for the what will unfold by purchasing the “Now What — 2017” report. Written from a global perspective, this annual analysis includes chapters on the euro, Germany, Britain, Canada, Japan, Russia, China, Mexico, and South America.

Included is a global table on the yearly level for all major world markets that includes 2016 closings, buy and sell signals for annual closings, trading prices (as of the completion of this report), resistance, support, and the historical high and low of each market.

Now What – 2017

Prepare for the what will unfold in the new year by purchasing the “Now What — 2017” report. Review the events that occurred throughout the world in 2016 that will impact us as we move forward. Written from a global perspective, this annual analysis includes chapters on the euro, Germany, Britain, Canada, Japan, Russia, China, Mexico, and South America. Included is a global table on the yearly level for all major world markets that includes 2016 closings, buy and sell signals for annual closings, trading prices (as of the completion of this report), resistance, support, and the historical high and low of each market.


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On June 23, the people of Britain will decide whether to exit (BREXIT) the European Union.

This vote will decide the fate of Britain and Europe, and will directly impact the trend in global currencies that will impact the United States and the fate of the dollar.

Additionally, the "BREXIT" report discusses Britain and its 309.6-year cycle and provides the forecast for the British pound and the euro/pound cross rates.


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For clarification, our reports are digital download – there will be NO hardcopy reports mailed. Also, given the digital nature of these reports, there are no refunds offered. Please consider this before you purchase.

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The 2014 Cycles of War Report

This is a special report that so many have been asking for as we head into this turning point in 2014. The Cycles of War is a major research effort we have undertaken over the years to gauge the rise and fall of empires, nations, and city-states. The War Cycle has its origins in two primary categories. First there is the traditional concept of international conflict with one nation invading another. This has been going on for centuries. However, there is a second source that is as vital as the first and is often even more devastating economically. This is the internal conflict of civil unrest that often leads to revolution. Naturally, revolution can be very serious for it was the source in modern times of the American and French Revolutions, the Russian Revolution, and the rise of Mao in China. It is certainly arguable that civil unrest presents a greater systemic risk than international conflict.

It is vital to understand this cycle and what it means for herein lies the fate of gold and the Dow Jones Industrial Index not to mention the Euro and European markets. This report covers the world including the cycles of war with respect to China and Russia in addition to the U.S., Japan, and Europe.


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For clarification, our reports are digital download – there will be NO hardcopy reports mailed. Also, given the digital nature of these reports, there are no refunds offered. Please consider this before you purchase.

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