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ECB’s Is NOT Stimulating Economy – Its a Bank Bailout

The ECB’s monthly spending will include its existing programs to buy covered bonds and asset-backed securities. However, of the added purchases, Draghi said 12% will be debt issued by European Union institutions and agencies, and the rest will be government bonds – 88%. Given the problem that the banks use government bonds for reserves and […]

The Coming Solution Conference – Live Stream

Governments are always causing the crisis – it is not the private sector. The S&L Crisis unfolded when they went around locking up bankers for losing money was just an example. First Congress created tax incentives with tax loophole to stimulate real estate in a one-size-fits-all manner as always. They created a boom in office […]

How to Run a Government for Dummies

COMMENT: My wife took our 4-year old Alex to the bank today to open a savings account for him with his piggy bank of about 10k baht ($333.00). The teller noticed he was half Thai and asked if he was American, to which she said he was both Thai and American. The teller: “We won’t […]

Beware the Turning Point for Bonds – 2015.75

QUESTION: Marty Hi I attended your conference in Berlin which was a great insight into your works. However it still took me time to really understand what you have been writing as you foretold of what will happen with Gold. Whilst I took note I did not act and have had the best learning experience there […]

Scientists Caught Again Faking Global Warming Data

An investigation of the raw data recording temperature, has revealed that once again these academics are manipulating the data to keep billions of dollars flowing into their hands. No matter how many times they are caught, government will not change course because they want to believe in global warming to justify higher taxes. Al Gore […]

Gold – the Desirable Object – Can it Survive as the Alternative to Electronic Money?

  Our greatest problem is government’s hunt for money. Now 29% of American households are starting to hoard dollars. As this increases, government can eventually close the door by simply cancelling the currency. The USA has never done that yet other than the transition from the Continental dollar to the US dollar. But every other […]

US Share Market – Potential Waterfall?

  The Dow on Friday closed closed below a Weekly Bearish Reversal. The main support begins under the market at 16300 level followed by 15961. The potential Waterfall is rather weak. Nonetheless, the oscillators are also turning negative. We still see a correction and basing into May. Keep in mind, that it is unlikely we […]

First the DEFLATION – then the INFLATION

  When the Roman Empire collapsed during the reign of Gallienus (253-268AD), for the next two waves of the Economic Confidence Model (17.2 years) Rome remained in chaos. Then a general fought his way to power – Diocletian (284-305AD). During this period, inflation soared. Money really became in kind and the purchasing power of the debased […]

The Fed & The Fish Bowl Economy Theory

QUESTION: Sir, Thank you so much for sharing your insights via your website. I only recently discovered it and devour the writings daily. In the interest of full disclosure, I am not an economist nor do I pretend to be intelligent enough to portray any deep knowledge on the subject. I do however enjoy watching trends […]

The Paradox of Inflation/Deflation

QUESTION:  Martin   You have really added dimensions to my thinking. Thank you very much. One thing that continues to puzzle me is how empire’s die and inflation/deflation. I get the part about the deflationary aspects of killing the economy via regulation and taxation. It is right in front of us every day. I get […]