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Nature of

The Nature of Timing Models The nature of time has always been a puzzling and intriguing subject. Jules Verne gave us bold glimpses of time portrayed as another dimension through which man may one day travel back and forth. Einstein explored the question of time in his Theory of Relativity. Time to the investor is […]

Global Model

Global Model Since the dawn of time, man has tried desperately to predict the future. Man has gazed upon the stars, summoned soothsayers and astrologers and sought guidance in the patterns of tea leaves and chicken entrails. He has studied the movements of planets, comets, and even the flight of an owl. However, no matter […]

Debt Crisis

The Debt Crisis The Ultimate Defining Issue of American Politics There has been a lot of talk about bringing the deficit down. Clinton argued that issue in support of his massive $245 billion tax increase. While it is true that the deficit declined over the last two years, it is NOT true that this was […]

Debt Forecast & Solution

Solutions For The Debt Crisis © Martin A. Armstrong The general perception of interest rates and debt within the financial community is about as far from reality and common sense as one might be in this day and age. With government deficits still a major problem and no solutions from the political arena in sight, one […]

A Continued Era of Deflation or A Premature Expectation of Inflation?

A Continued Era of Deflation or A Premature Expectation of Inflation? © Martin A. Armstrong Economists and analysts argue that double-digit inflation is something of the past – a freak of nature that took place during the Carter years of the mid-70s. On April 19th, 1993, Alan Greenspan (Chairman of the Federal Reserve) made a statement […]

The Cycle of Political Change

The Cycle of Political Change Republicans will Sweep Capital Hill in 1994 © Martin A. Armstrong Far too many analysts constantly compare every downturn in the stock market and economy to the Great Depression. The majority of stock market analysts have been looking for a major top and a big crash ever since they missed calling […]

Trading the Reverse Pyramid

Trading the Reverse Pyramid © Martin A. Armstrong If you had to reduce the movements of all market and economic activity down into a single solitary influential explanation, the one single word which I would chose to describe such a force would obviously be CONFIDENCE! At first, you might be moved to take exception to this […]

The Reversal System

The Reversal System: A 20-Year Case Study Theory-Design-Implementation © Martin A. Armstrong Perhaps the most important discovery made here at Princeton was the simple fact that market price and economic movement is anything but random. This is a very powerful statement because you will be hard pressed to find many who would agree with us on […]

Alternating Influences

Alternating Influences of World Capital Flows Upon Domestic Market Movements © Martin A. Armstrong Immediately following the Crash of 1987 we warned that our computer models were showing that the entire affair was nothing but a wild short-term correction, similar to that of 1924. We stated in our reports, as well as in numerous seminars throughout […]

Scitovsky, Tibor

Tibor Scitovsky 1910-2002 Tibor Scitovsky was born in Hungary, he was educated at the Universities of Budapest, Cambridge, Paris, and at the LSE. He taught at Stanford, California, Berkeley and Yale. Scitovsky contributed to the theory of prices and welfare economics. His most famous book Welfare and Competition synthesizes these two aspects of economic analysis. […]