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Diocletian's "Edict of Maximum Prices" issued in 301 AD

Wages in 301 AD in theRoman Empire All data based on Diocletian’s “Edict of Maximum Prices” issued in 301 AD Prices Expressed in Roman Denarii equivalent General Laborers brick maker, for every 4 fired bricks and preparation of the clay……………………… 2 brick maker, for every 8 sun dried bricks, and preparation of the clay……………… 2 […]

German Bond Auction a Disaster – Little Bid

Greek elections have dealt a serious blow to the confidence behind the Euro. The press has been touting the “official” position put out by Brussels to stay in their good graces. But this policy has resulted in serious misconceptions and misleading the institutions who buy bonds over the cliff much as Japan did to its […]

Understanding what propels the World Economy is mandatory to comprehend its Demise

Banking has existed for a long time. The idea of debt dates back to the ancient world, as evidenced for example by ancient Mesopotamian clay tablets recording interest-bearing loans. Far too many people attribute our financial doom to fractional banking etc. They are actually taking the side of the bankers who want money to retain its […]

The Political Union of Europe Has Failed

The entire vision that a United States of Europe would prevent war has proven to be just another academic theory gone seriously wrong. Brussels has been fighting against any opportunity for the people to vote on exiting the Euro from Scotland down to Spain and Italy. They could not prevent a democratic election where the […]

Greek Debt is Already Owned By Governments Mostly

About 80% of Greek Sovereign Debt is held officially by governments already in the EU. The proportion of the US National Debt held by governments is about 25%. Forget the charts about the stock market crash of 1929. That went down to about 42 from 386 on the Dow. This is what REALLY made the […]

The Historic Storm of the Century – Hoax

  Well I took this picture myself. The Historic Storm of the Century turned out to be 2 inches at the very best in Philadelphia area without sweeping up a pile for TV cameras and 1 inch down by Virginia. MSNBC just cannot help using anything to bash Republicans. They even ran a segment called […]

Swiss Franc Mortgages Blowing Up Everywhere

It is just amazing how we never learn. During the 1980s, I was dealing with Australians who were sold Swiss mortgages to interest. Boy – the losses I had to bailout. Well, history constantly repeats. Now Hundreds of people have protested in Romania against high repayments for Swiss franc loans, blaming the banks for offering […]

Democrat’s Dream – Always More Taxes

There’s is little doubt that the Democrats can’t sleep at night worrying about someone made some money they did not get a piece of. The worst tax of all that is directly causing a worldwide depression is none other than FATCA. The FATCA worldwide hunting down pf Americans overseas was a portion of the 2010 […]

Youth Take Back Their Country – Greece

The celebrations are going on in Greece. My emails have been lighting up. This is precisely what was suppressed in Scotland and in Spain. The younger generation is revolting against what they see as the corrupt elites. One cannot deny that the older establishment of thinking is so out of touch with reality it is […]

The Euro & The Waterfall Projection – Judgment Day

  We have not seen a Waterfall Projection on any market in years. All of a sudden, it showed up in Euro and in Oil. Those who have been with us for decades will notice that the projection for the high was virtually a perfect formation at the top of the circle based upon the […]