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Obama’s Slick Lie to Raise Taxes on Middle Class

  What everyone heard at Obama’s State of the Union was how he wanted to tax the rich and prevent them from leaving their children the spoils of their life. They also were duped into believing that he wants to help the Middle Class and make college FREE. What they did not hear is his […]

Lack of a Free press

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I have noticed that not merely Sundance refused to show your movie, but with all your amazing forecasts, one would think the Wall Street Journal, Barrons, New York Times, Washington Post, and Bloomberg, would be pounding on your door for an interview. You would imagine they would write about what your computer […]

Police Reply

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong,   First, I have been reading your blog for quite some time and appreciate your service and perspective.  I really appreciate your historical perspective on many issues and consider myself a fan.   The recent comment regarding police pensions being paid for by seizures are inflammatory and not true in most cases […]

Beware The British Pound

    We warned that the British pound would also crack in the coming dollar rally. Here too, we see a serious decline remains open. A monthly closing below the 150 level will signal the break is underway. London real estate may get real cheap at last for Americans.   The deflation in Europe is […]

The Coming Dollar Rally

  With the intentional policy to lower the value of the Euro to try to stimulate the European economy, the dollar will rise as we have been warning and we may see this reach all time record highs. This will then turn the US economy down after 2015.75 and you can see, smell, and taste […]

ECB Fighting A Losing Battle

The increase in buying by the ECB from 50 to 60 billion is reflecting what we posted earlier. The massive contraction appears to be closer to 6 trillion Euros. The ECB clearly gained more support even from Germany for this is a far easier way to try to bailout members than politicians having to face […]

The Insanity of the ECB

The European Central Bank (ECB) kept its main interest rate unchanged on Thursday, but markets are still on edge ahead of this afternoon’s press conference, at which central bank President Mario Draghi is expected to announce a “full-blown” quantitative easing (QE). “Further monetary policy measures will be communicated by the President of the ECB at a […]

Equity Dividend Yield > 10 Year Treasury

The underlying support for the US share market is starting to unfold for the long-term (not short-Term trading). The yield on the S&P 500 has exceeded the 10-year Treasury warning that we are indeed entering the Bond Bubble. The peak in this relationship was 1931 when dividend yield reached about 9.5% after bottoming in 1929 […]

Sundance Refused to Show the film FORECASTER

  The FORECASTER will NOT be shown at the Sundance Film Festival to answer the emails. Sundance refused to show the film based upon information and belief from reliable sources despite getting good reviews even in Hollywood. So you can speculate why. Probably the same source that tried to have the trailer removed from YouTube, controls […]

Socrates Status Report & Vancouver

QUESTION:  Dear Martin, As a person of average means, I am wondering if you would consider offering a basic affordable service to guide those of us who are just trying to have something to retire on. Something like, “Hold onto your blue chip stocks for now.” Or, “It’s time to sell your municipal bonds and buy […]