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The Fair Tax Bill is Introduced into Congress

The Georgia Republican U.S. Senators. David Perdue and Johnny Isakson have introduced the Fair Tax Act of 2015 in Congress. They are taking our proposal we submitted to Congress back in 1996 as the foundation. The act would repeal the federal income tax along with all corporate income taxes, payroll taxes, self-employment taxes, capital gains […]

Brokerage Houses – Deep Pockets Are Mandatory

QUESTION: Dear Marty! Hats off on the call about the Franc. It’s amazing what Socrates and the work of all you at Princeton Economics is doing, to all of you my deep respect. And I thank God that knowledge is in good hands! Now here’s the thing, as I read about the crash of the […]

Looking At Things Globally – Moving Beyond Human Intelligence

  Here is gold in British pounds. You will notice that there is no real nice V bottom. Gold in pounds is still crawling along support. This implies two possibilities. First, new lows for gold lie ahead and two, the British pound will also rise against Euroland. Europe appears to be the real disaster that […]

Does the Model Change Its Mind?

The answer to this question is yes and no. There are two entirely separate  forecasts TIME and PRICE. There are three markers in price with respect to the Dow – 18500, 23000, and then 40000. The earliest time frame was 2016. There is no guarantee that we will see the 40000 level. This is why […]

Right or Wrong – The Dark Side of Human Nature

I greatly appreciate the confidence saying I am newer wrong. But on an individual level, NOBODY can possibly be right all the time. This is why I try to emphasize that the numbers are the numbers and that all we can do is watch how everything unfolds. I have no personal vision of the future […]

The German Delusion

  The desperate attempt to keep the Euro together is really setting the stage for sending Germany into a Great Economic Depression. Merkel now wants to raise the tax rate to pay for all her bailouts of Europe. She cannot comprehend that raising taxes to support the Euro is reducing disposable income and reducing the […]

Gold – The Hedge Against Government – NOT Inflation

COMMENT: Marty, one of the comments on the Mises Institution site says it all. You are never wrong. I have to admit. I was a goldbug and listened to the bullshit as you call it. Yet this action in gold has proven not merely were you correct in saying gold would pop, it has nothing […]

The Euro/Swiss Peg would Go “and they’re not going to be able to do much about it”

  Here are transcripts of the WEC since the Movie Producers filmed everything since 2011. They had transcripts made and can search a topic and come up with the time I discussed it. 4:11:02 “Alright, I’ll pay more, but he’s paying 75 so that makes it ok.” This is what’s going on. Every time in the cycle […]

The Euro/Swiss Has Been Warning The Peg Could Not Hold

  At the Berlin World Economic Conference I delivered the same forecast we gave to the Swiss – the EURO/SWISS PEG COULD NOT HOLD.  Indeed, its lasted about Pi 3.14 years before the pressure really built and 3.3 years it cracked. Who is to blame? The Swiss? Or does the blame belong to Brussels and […]

Stock Market View – the Shift Begins from Public to Private

  Notice that the DAX has held up the best even against the Dow. Why? Capital continues to move within Europe to Germany assuming the Euro will crack and they will get Deutsche marks once again. Even the French CAC-40 illustrates that capital is starting to flee from PUBLIC to PRIVATE assets. Even Greek shares […]