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The Euro In Free-Fall

  The Euro elected the Yearly Bearish Reversal at the 12150 area and it has penetrated the 2010 low so far of 11880 intraday reaching so far 11801. The key support lies at a set of DOUBLE WEEKLY BEARISH REVERSALS found at 11778. If we elect that this year, the Euro will fall most likely […]

Republicans Lay Seeds to Destroy Their Own Party – John Boehner’s Revenge

John Boehner secured his third term as speaker losing 25 votes on the House floor to really unknown members of the Republican Conference. Boehner is one of the most corrupt and ruthless politicians in Washington. This is not a very nice guy. I reported previously that he threw anyone off of any financial committee who supported […]

Treading Water

We see the potential here for a 5 months CONSOLIDATION (treading water) – not a 5 months collapse. That means no sustainable breakout just yet – just base building. The key support begins at the 16300 on the Dow. We need to see the capital concentrate in bonds to create a major bond bubble like […]

Bear Market or Treading Water? Getting All the Ducks in a Row

  A number of questions have come in since year-end asking what would happen since the Dow did not reach the 18500 level. We also warned that the support was really down at the 16978 level and we need a daily closing beneath this level to signal a sustainable decline for now. The main bank […]

Cybersecurity – Is Anything Safe?

The NSA has been able to break encryption even to internal VPN networks. There is nothing safe any more. The irony is that “terrorism” is the excuse to break-in to anything, but real terrorists use pigeon-post. They do not use Facebook and they stay as far away from Google and Microsoft as possible. The NSA’s […]

Commodity Contagion

Equity markets around the globe have tumbled on Monday, led by commodity-linked shares as oil prices fell to 5-1/2-year lows and investors fled to the safety of government bonds. The so-called “smart money” is running into bonds and this is what we need to complete the bubble in bonds that will burst for BIG BANG. […]

Anyone Who Think NSA is OK Because They Have Nothing To Hide – Well You are Just Nuts

As always, you have to pay very close attention on holidays. Why? Because this is when the do the dirty dealings because the know the press is too busy partying and the public attention span drops from 60 seconds to -5. They stuffed the repeal of Dodd-Frank reform in the last bill of the year […]

Share Market Brief Assessment

The 2014 year-end closing in the Dow was strong, but not quite ready for liftoff. The failure to close above the 18500 level only keeps the Dow in a base-building position for what is to come. Only a closing below 16978 will signal a brief pause in trend. We will be addressing this in a […]

The FORECASTER & Marcus Vetter

To clarify the questions coming in about the movie the FORECASTER, I turned down American producers because I understand the way the system works. The government could easily pick up the phone and threaten them to do as it demands or else. This is why Snowden had to go to London to get the story […]

Empire v Mere State

  QUESTION: Marty, your insight into the failure of Austrian and Keynesian economics was really eye opening. At your conference you said that Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand applied internationally not just domestically. I believe I have reached the level of understanding you have been teaching us. It is indeed global and clearly everything is connected. […]