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Is Gold Still Viable?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, I’m 47….basically one question……….is Gold over for my life time?   Should I just sell it?   What does the ECM say about Gold after big bang? thanks for all you efforts.   D in … Australia.  ANSWER: No. Gold is still a vital component for what we face. My problem is purely […]

TIME & Fourth Dimension – Catalyst v Object

QUESTION: Dear Martin: Thanks for all the work, one thing I admire is that you are providing insight in to how the world works by making us think. Honestly, when I read your blog post “Wine industry confirms same trend in Energy” I thought this guy is nuts… then I went back and read your […]


  A 2014 year-end closing for Wheat between 6770 and 5770 will keep the market poised in a neutral position. We require a monthly closing beneath 4470 to signal a real break to the downside. It still appears that we will have food problems in the years ahead forming after 2015.75. Wheat did fall in […]

2014 – What a Year

The year 2014 has been a year which has made all our long-term forecasts amazingly on target. The War Cycle pinpointed the sudden and dramatic rise is both civil unrest and the return of the cold war that has been turning red hot. More soldiers died in 2014 than before and the number of civilian […]

Yearly Bearish in Euro 121.56 – Woe is Europe

The fear of a resurgence of the Euro Crisis has weighed on the common currency driving it down sharply trading at 1.2156 at 6:05 EST. The euro fell to $ 1.2122 intraday, marking the lowest level in two and a half years. However, our Yearly Bearish Reversal is 1.2156 precisely where we are trading at […]

Wine Industry Confirms Same Trend in Energy

One industry which reflects the same trend that we see in crude oil, the massive deflationary vortex of economic decline, is none other than the wine industry. The wine industry is also suffering from a major glut and here too wine producing real estate has peaked in France back in 2007 and is not scheduled […]

End of the German Dream?

The crisis in Germany is brewing at a rapid speed. There is no country that has suffered the pains of Russian sanctions in the West more than Germany because the Russian market has compensated Germany in the past years, covering up many problems of the German economy from the euro crisis. As the economy has turned […]

Crude Oil – In the Grips of Massive Deflationary Cycle

Our original forecast for oil back in 1997 was that it should rise to reach the $100 level at least by 2007. We reached $99.29 in 2007 and then 2008 was a wild trading year reaching $147.27 intraday crashing back to $35.13 and closing the year at $44.60. Oil made the intraday low in 2009 […]

Government Imprisoning People Who Cannot Pay a Fine

Some people have said I am too critical of government and that government is here to help us. The only thing that government is here to do is to help themselves to other people’s money. Around the world governments are desperate for money. In Britain, they have sold student loans to private debt collectors at […]

Understanding BIG BANG 2015.75

The Trading Money Center New York bankers did a brilliant sales job on policymakers, central bankers, and economists that the way to stabilize the world economy was to securitize everything. This combined with what they called the “Originate and Distribute Model” would lead to the promised-land in finance.  Indeed, financial intermediation has changed dramatically over […]