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Gold and the Seasonal Bounce

While gold is choppy, nothing seems different from the general overview that it should rise into its normal seasonal turning point. From there, it appears that gold will turn back down moving into the benchmark targets outlined in the report. The first resistance that must be overcome to hint that the seasonal bounce is unfolding […]

Big Bang 2015.75

  Numerous emails have been coming in about what is “Big Bang” that we originally forecast at the 1985 Conference. To put this in plain cyclical terms, there has not been a trend that lasts for more than 26 years without serious change.   Originally, the depression that followed 1873 lasted for 26 years with […]

1906 San Fran Earthquake Impacted Outflow of Capital From Germany

The nice think about our clients is the global diversity. From Germany, a reader informs us about the claims for the 1906 San Francisco earthquake also send capital flows pouring from German insurance companies to California. Indeed, the economic trends in Germany were set in motion at this time as well. I can confirm that […]

A Coming California Earthquake?

California’s Drought Ranks Worst in at Least 1,200 Years. The flooding that is taking place warns of something else. The major earthquakes correlate to these periods of extreme drought and then extreme rainfall. That may place added street on the fault lines. We warned last April that there is a rising trend in magnitude. Our […]

European Share Market Outlook 2013

This special report surprised many. Topic covered include The Rise of Separatist & the shift from public to private investment strategy.


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Deflation v Inflation – Comprehending What Will Come

QUESTION: Martin, While I clearly understand your reasoning for deflation in the US allied to a very strong dollar; does the opposite apply to those countries, like the UK and European economies where their currencies are likely going into freefall? Keep up the brilliant work. Is the movie coming to the UK? AB ANSWER: Yes. […]

12298 is Closing Support for the Euro

  The Weekly Bearish Reversal lies at 12298. A closing below that today should signal a new low next week. Keep in mind 12150 is the key Yearly Support. We need a closing below that to signal the Euro will move into meltdown sending capital into the dollar that could make the blast upward in […]

Central Bank Watching – Refusing to go gentle into that good night

While the world has been watching Draghi and are surprised at the dissent, at the same time the street tends to try to create hard fast rules to follow the Fed rather than the markets and economy. The thinking process seems to try to fashion fixed rules to approach the Taylor Rule. This is kind-of […]

Grand Jury Does not Indict Cop Who Murdered Eric Garner — But the Man Who Filmed It

If anyone thinks that there is really justice, you should re-read Thraysmachus who debated Socrates. Socrates wishfully believed that in a democracy the people would always be just compared to a tyrant. Thraysmachus disagreed. He warned that all forms of government act in the same identical manner because they only pursue their own self-interest. Hence, […]

Why Central Banks Buy Equities

  Why are central banks buying equities outright and trading futures? Very simple – EURO CRISIS! I have reported that central banks have been buying equities because there is a real crisis underway in central bank reserves. Behind the curtain, they need diversity because the Euro Crisis has creates a Reserve Crisis. There is no […]