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Hispanic Population Abandoning Democratic Party

The Hispanic population will now have access to the first conservative network tailored to the Spanish-speaking community in the United States. The network, Americano, will first premiere on SiriusXM radio before hitting TV screens this summer. This comes at a crucial time in US politics ahead of the midterm elections. Americano CEO Ivan Garcia-Hidalgo said […]

Trump Warned NATO of Europe’s Reliance on Russian Energy

Everyone criticized Trump for condemning his NATO allies in 2018. At the time, only five nations were meeting their 2% GDP spending requirement on NATO defense, with the US paying around 5%. Trump suggested that everyone contribute 4% to build a stronger alliance. He never wanted to back away from NATO to support Putin, rather, […]

US & its Secret Biological Weapons Labs & Neocons

  There are Biolabs in Ukraine funded by the US. There was never any real question if they existed or not. The rumor two days after the Russian invasion began, the claim was that Russia was targeting them for destruction. I wrote on February 26, 2022, that such a rumor was false and I pointed […]

The Great Economic Destruction & COMPLEXITY

COMMENT #1: OK Marty, it is now becoming obvious that not only Trump reads your stuff but so does Obama. Trump bought a $19 million remote island and Obama bought one for $15 million. This is not a coincidence. Your war cycle goes nuts next year and we have the worst crop of world leaders […]

Trump v Biden According to Putin

“Vladimir Putin doesn’t want me to be President. He doesn’t want me to be our nominee. If you’re wondering why — it’s because I’m the only person in this field who’s ever gone toe-to-toe with him.” — Joe Biden on Twitter (@JoeBiden) February 21, 2020 People ponder if Putin would have invaded under a second […]

The End of Cryptocurrency Coming?

I warned ion the private blog that cryptocurrencies may end up being suspended. The excuse will be Russia and the news is out now that Biden will sign an Executive Order to regulate cryptos because Russia can use it to circumvent sanctions. Not only is Biden authorizing the regulation of digital currencies, but he is […]

The Russian Mindset – Failing to Understand

QUESTION: Thanks Marty – would you agree that the west does not understand the Russian mind? For them it’s not all about economic considerations, therefore “sanctions” take a back seat to security and strategy which we can’t comprehend. Americans playing checkers, Russians playing chess. CR REPLY: Our greatest problem is that people have characterized Putin […]

Is War the Ploy for the Great Reset?

There is something very wrong going on here. In diplomacy, you NEVER begin by demonizing your opponent. It is like an argument between two people. You may try to discuss your issues, and at some point, it becomes impossible for either party to agree. That brings the name-calling and anger where you either leave or […]

War and Inflation to Impact US Midterm Elections

Mounting fears of war have caused many to re-evaluate who is leading them. Putin addresses his people sternly and clearly, while Biden can barely hold a press conference or read off the teleprompter. Zelenskyy has joined his troops in battle, whereas Biden cannot walk up a flight of stairs. On top of all of this […]

The Real Backdrop Nobody Will Discuss

  The only way to avoid World War III is to listen to both sides. The refusal to listen ensures that we will move into World War III, and this is not my opinion; unfortunately, our computer has never been wrong, for it is unbiased. It called BREXIT when nobody else did, and also forecast […]