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Considerations on Representative Government – Mill

CONSIDERATIONS ON REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT BY JOHN STUART MILL, AUTHOR OF “A SYSTEM OF LOGIC, RATIOCINATIVE AND INDUCTIVE” NEW YORK: HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, FRANKLIN SQUARE 1862. Preface Those who have done me the honor of reading my previous writings will probably receive no strong impression of novelty from the present volume; for the principles are […]

A Treatise on Government – Aristotle

A TREATISE ON GOVERNMENT By Aristotle   Translated From The Greek Of Aristotle By William Ellis, A.M. London &.Toronto Published By J M Dent & Sons Ltd. &.In New York By E. P. Dutton &. Co First Issue Of This Edition 1912 Reprinted 1919, 1923, 1928 INTRODUCTION The Politics of Aristotle is the second part […]


The Reversal System One of the most important discoveries made at Princeton concerning economic and market behavior is that the market system is a dynamic complex network of nonlinear activity possessing an incredible degree of inherent order. The seemingly random appearance of price activity is merely a mask that hides the true nature of events. […]

Trading a Panic

How to Trade A Panic  Martin A. Armstrong Note: This is reprinted from the April 1994 issue of the World Report. Most people believe that it is impossible to forecast the wild and crazy panic moves that any market will go through at varying intervals over the years. It appears that most people think that […]

8.6 Year Review

8.6-Year Review As a brief introduction to the 8.6-year frequency within the Princeton Economic-Confidence Model, let us follow its course beginning with the last major panic that took place in October 1929 from the US perspective. Factoring in the month of October as .75 to represent a decimal portion of the calendar year, the calculations […]

Nature of

The Nature of Timing Models The nature of time has always been a puzzling and intriguing subject. Jules Verne gave us bold glimpses of time portrayed as another dimension through which man may one day travel back and forth. Einstein explored the question of time in his Theory of Relativity. Time to the investor is […]

Debt Crisis

The Debt Crisis The Ultimate Defining Issue of American Politics There has been a lot of talk about bringing the deficit down. Clinton argued that issue in support of his massive $245 billion tax increase. While it is true that the deficit declined over the last two years, it is NOT true that this was […]

The Cycle of Political Change

The Cycle of Political Change Republicans will Sweep Capital Hill in 1994 © Martin A. Armstrong Far too many analysts constantly compare every downturn in the stock market and economy to the Great Depression. The majority of stock market analysts have been looking for a major top and a big crash ever since they missed calling […]

Delphi Technique

The Delphi Technique © Martin A. Armstrong There are many forms of analysis and even more forms of mathematical forecasting equations — all determined to predict the future course of mankind. As discussed in the previous edition, judgmental forecasting still remains the dominant form of analysis employed not only by the financial community, but also throughout […]

Alternating Influences

Alternating Influences of World Capital Flows Upon Domestic Market Movements © Martin A. Armstrong Immediately following the Crash of 1987 we warned that our computer models were showing that the entire affair was nothing but a wild short-term correction, similar to that of 1924. We stated in our reports, as well as in numerous seminars throughout […]