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Happy Easter – But Why Do We Call it Easter

Easter is historically the most confusing holiday. Besides the calculation being complex, the traditions are also a blend of various different cultures. I have written how New Year’s Eve is really a Roman tradition celebrating the god Janus who was pictured with two faces one looking back and the other to the future. Christmas is […]

Market Talk – April 17, 2019

Asia: China’s GDP rose 6.4% in the first quarter, outperforming many of analysts’ expectations. Some see this as a promising sign for China as last year the GDP decelerated every quarter. Prime Minister Mahathir of Malaysia has approved a “mega link” project that connects both sides of Malaysia, spanning up toward Thailand, as part of […]

Market Talk – April 16, 2019

Asia: China has added a new fiscal stimulus package in order to prevent a sharp slowdown. Local governments will be allowed to issue up to 320 billion USD in special purpose bonds to fund infrastructure projects, which is an increase of over 59% from last year. Sony released “S.Ride,” an app which could become Uber’s […]

Creativity is the Key to Everything

A professor at Princeton University once told me I reminded him of Einstein. I was shocked. I said I was nothing like Einstein, and I certainly did not advance society as he did. He then said to me that it was not the subject matter that he was referring to. He said it was my […]

Market Talk – April 9, 2019

Asia: China wishes to ban bitcoin mining in an attempt to make the world a safer place – at least that is the positioning according to the Chinese National Development and Reform Commission. While hard to take serious at times, the group releases a report every year announcing what industries it wishes to restrict or […]

PM May to Join Left Against Her Own Party?

Anyone who wants to understand why the dollar is the only game in town, all they need do is look at the politics in Europe. It is just absurd. In Britain, Prime Minister Theresa May simply REFUSES to abandon her BREXIT plan no matter how many times Parliament votes against it. She survived a no-confidence […]

Market Talk – April 2, 2019

Asia: China’s central bank asked police to investigate a fake rate-cut report. The report emerged on social media, causing pressure on tech firms within China. In other news, China furthered relationship with Russia after purchasing 24 fighter jets Su-57. The Su-57 jet is touted as the world’s best military jet, which is quite controversial as […]

Market Talk – March 27, 2019

Asia: China Beige Book, the only large-scale independent data provider on the Chinese economy, released a report this Wednesday indicating a first-quarter recovery. After polling 3300 Chinese businesses, the firm found that private borrowing outweighed that of state-owned enterprises. However, the cost of borrowing has risen substantially. Bank loan rates currently average 6.9%, while the […]

Facebook to Launch a Cryptocurrency & Compete Against Banks?

QUESTION: Why is Facebook going to issue a cryptocurrency? Doesn’t that confirm the evolutionary path of technology? ND ANSWER: The term “cryptocurrency” is being thrown around very loosely. It is true that there is increasing hype and speculation regarding a theoretical Facebook Coin. However, this is not a “cryptocurrency” it is simply a digital entry […]

The $20 Gold Coins Walmart Refused to Accept as $20

As time passes, the newer generations lack any understanding of gold standards or even the events of 1971. There are many people who judge the future of gold based upon their belief that it is money. However, like religion, human society is fragmented and certainly neither of one faith nor one political party. While there are […]