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Creating a Different New World Order

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong: I apologize that I called you a fraud. Sometimes being a virgo is very hard. I became information overloaded and my tongue is very sharp. I am still reading your blog and I am amazed that you post the Corbett Report, which I follow religiously like yours.  I do not like that […]

Can a Vaccine or Virus Alter People’s Beliefs – Crime Against Humanity?

(subtitles in Russian) There has been a chilling video where recently it has been alleged that Bill Gates gave a lecture to the Pentagon where a vaccine or virus could deliver a genetic something to alter what is being called the God Gene. This leaked video appears to be dubbed at least from an audio […]

The Press’ Conspiracy to Overthrow our Way of Life Exposed?

The Washington Times has come out with the story which is inevitable: COVID-19 turning out to be huge hoax perpetrated by media All my sources have been saying this from the very beginning. Trump needs to get off his ass and start defending the Constitution and the entire world against these people who failed in […]

Killing People in NYC All For Politics?

We have another nurse coming out and confirming that people are being left to die in New York City in an apparent attempt to raise the death toll for political motives. It appears that Trump is afraid to fire Fauci because the press will trash him, despite the fact that doctors are coming out and […]

How Could Socrates Forecast Food Shortages in the Cycle Years in Advance?

QUESTION: Marty; You were the only one to forecast this would be a commodity cycle driven by shortages. How can your computer forecast such things like this shortage years in advance? They are warning we will face serious meat shortages when Bill Gates was investing in meat substitutes. This is falling within his whole scheme […]

The Corona Crisis Update

As the nation begins to open back up, many are optimistic that the markets will turn back to normal. While numerous cities adopt a phased approach to gatherings that people assume will allow businesses to reopen but with restricted attendee limits, they are not looking closely at the details. Many people who applied for unemployment […]

Trump v Gates – Is Gates Winning to Overthrow Trump?

  This COVID-19 has undermined the economy in a way where we will not return back to normalcy. The Washington Post and the New York Times just take the opposite view of whatever Trump does without any consideration of what they are reporting. The Washington Post has targeted Gov. Brian Kemp of Georgia, calling his […]

The Cycle Behind COVID-19

I have reliable research I have not yet concluded but so far this COVID-19 could have been a human experiment. It appears to be like HIV insofar as it attacks the T cells and can penetrate them. These are the human cells that attack viruses. This is most likely why older patients are dying because […]

Sex Workers, Homeless & Suicides on the Rise Thanks to COVID-19

  The lockdown has had so many ripple effects that it is just mind-numbing. Shutting down restaurants and retail stores have had already a profound impact. Many girls have been left with no choice but to turn to the sex trade. Some are engaging in physical contact while others are selling nude photos and videos […]

At Last – Gates’ Objective is Revealed – Destroy Economy Relaunch without CO2

  SKY News Australia has reported the smoking gun. The UN-funded financial arm of the Paris Agreement has labeled the coronavirus an “opportunity” to raise funds for climate change action and “relaunch economies on low-emission, climate-resilient trajectories”. The extraordinary statements have been published in a document by the Green Climate Fund – an international organization […]