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2021 WEC Reports for Attendees

These are all the reports you should be able to download These reports have been prepared for the WEC Attendees. Since the attendance may exceed that of Davos by 10 fold, I tried hard to write all of this over the last six months because we are facing the end period going into the Sixth […]

North Korea On the Brink of Famine

We recently reported that there is a cycle to famine. Sadly, the hermit kingdom of North Korea is no stranger to starvation due to the mass human rights abuses carried out by their government in addition to unfavorable weather. Business Insider recently reported that the country has resorted to breeding black swans to provide a […]

The Virginia & NJ Elections Warn of Political Chaos in 2022

The upset in Virginia is very critical, as well as the close vote in New Jersey, where the odds were that the Democrat would win, 95% assured. McAuliffe faced a 52% unfavorable poll in VA. McAuliffe began his concession speech saying: “While last night we came up short, I am proud that we spent this […]

Rigging the Virginia Elections

Reports are coming in that they are once again denying people the right to vote and it appears to be people who are Republican. This same scenario is playing out. They are claiming they were mailed an absentee ballot so they cannot vote despite the fact they say they never requested such a ballot. These […]

Spending 0.7% Global GDP on Climate Change

  The current flooding in Glasgow, Scotland, aligns with cyclical weather patterns. Of course, climate change alarmists are causing shockwaves of panic throughout the media. As you can see from the images above, fears regarding the weather have prevailed throughout time. The heavy rain is occurring days prior to the 2021 United Nations Climate Change […]

Chaos of the 2022 Elections on the Horizon

QUESTION: Hello! Wondering if the “Panic Cycles” surrounding the 2022 and 2024 elections are going to take place due to the hackable computerized voting machines in use all across the country? What’s to stop the evildoers from stealing these elections just as 2020 was stolen? I was a precinct captain in So Cal in 1998, back […]

Nearly Half of Canadian Families Experiencing Some Difficulty Affording Food

We reported that food prices are on the rise in Canada and worldwide. A recent survey (n= 5,011) shows the impact inflation is having on Canadian families. According to a poll by the Angus Reid Institute, nearly half (46%) of respondents said they were having “some difficulty” paying for groceries. Over one-third (37%) said they […]

Property Rights are Human Rights — 2032.95

Here is a simple explanation of property rights for those who would like to abolish capitalism. Klaus Schwab says, “You will own nothing, and you will be happy.” I think it is important to understand what this entails. I have said before that socialism cannot exist outside of authoritarianism to force people to comply with […]

Are the US Supply Chain Disruptions Deliberate?

  (Image by © Reuters / Alan Devall) Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo may have accidentally leaked the cause of America’s supply chain issues. “The reality is the only way we’re going to get to a place where we work through this transition is if everyone in America and everyone around the world gets vaccinated,” […]

Austria’s Head of State Resigns in Corruption Scandal

We really can no longer afford career politicians, for no matter what country we look at, they are inevitably for sale to the highest bidder. Here Chancellor Sebastian Kurz of Austria redirected federal money to buy not just pollsters, but journalists to cover him favorably instead of revealing the truth. What this shows is that […]