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Trading Seminar March 23rd – Answering your Questions

This Special Trading Seminar is geared to enable you to Survive Your Own Trading Decisions and this is not merely a marketing phrase to sell a seminar. This is not a day trading seminar. This is about really how to trade, understand the global economy, and how to see the world so you can invest […]

Training Seminar v World Economic Conference March 2014

QUESTION: Martin, Firstly, thanks for all the information you are kindly sharing on your website – it is very helpful and informative. I have a question regarding the upcoming technical analysis training conference in March this year. I attended the 2011 Analytical Technical Training Seminar in Philadelphia on Dec 3, 2011 and wanted to ask […]

2014 Philadelphia Conferences March 2014

All Sessions will be held in Philadelphia to enable people to book just one hotel if they are attending all three conferences. The Cycles of War & Sovereign Debt Crisis will be held at the Philadelphia Convention Center between 1 and 5PM. The seating is limited and will be on a first come first served […]

Library & Research

Books & Research Materials – Recommended Reading (Third-Party Books) Encyclopedia of Ethical Failure White Earth Effect Statistical Information Base Population The Euro Design & Crisis+ The Euro in Crisis Rule of Law & Political Movements+ Rule of Law Assassination – tool of Revolution Solutions & Proposals+ Solution to our Crisis Sovereign Debt Crisis Cyprus Proposal […]

Euro – Cycle Inversion or Phase Transition

QUESTION: Martin In your latest post you go into very good detail of how the Euro continues to be strong(although it has been noted the model expected it to fall) and that when the Euro does fall it will take the European markets with it. Are we to assume that if the dollar does rally it […]

A Very Valid Point Behind Conspiracies

  The wilder the Conspiracy Theories, the more people pay no attention to Government and hand them more power in the process. Even then, people attribute such vast long-term knowledge and schemes to these people it is unbelievable. I have worked with people on Capitol Hill, in Europe and Asia. The reason they called me […]

Pravada Predicts Russia will Restore Soviet Union by 2025

Russian Pravda is reporting that the Soviet Union will be resurrected by 2025. The truth about this, unfortunately, Europe is collapsing because of the socialism and the destruction of any future for the youth. Pravda this time is actually not spitting out wild propaganda. Russia will rise and become a very formidable power even on […]

My Long-Term Goals

QUESTION: The cycles are real and impressive, but very hard to calculate without you telling us the dates/time frames. Therefore, if something ever happened to you I don’t know what I would do. I will have the understanding that these cycles exist, but ultimately will have to fall back on the technicals (Reversal days, resistance/support, trendlines, […]


  The Roman god Janus is who January is named after. He is pictured with one face looking backwards and the other forward in time. He was the tradition of New Years Eve looking at the past and being optimistic of the new year to come. In that sense, he was all about cycles and […]

Shots Fired at German Ambassador In Athens

Shots were fired in Athens at the residence of the German Ambassador reported by the BBC. This is what is tearing Europe apart. The IDEA of a New World Order will never work because there are still cultural differences and one government will not prevent war. They never heard of Civil War I suppose. Germany […]