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Diamonds: The Wild Card

We received a lot of e-mails regarding the collapse in diamond prices, which is closely correlating with gold without bank manipulations. This is part of the deflationary trend and the 2011 high was on target for the reaction high. The 37-year target could produce a cycle inversion with a high instead of a low. That would line […]

The Tax Hunt for Loose Change – Germany To Cause Mass Exit of Existing Assets

Well if you ever needed PROOF that gold is not money, but rather simply an asset class, all you need to do is look at what governments are doing. They are hunting for anything of value. We are likely going to see a migration of assets from Europe to the USA, as took place prior and during World War […]

Ferries Between Havana & Miami

Ferries carrying Cuban and American passengers will soon be sailing between Miami and Havana, right on time for the turn in the ECM. We are clearly looking at 2015.75 as a significant change in trend in many various relations. This may be a boom to classic cars, a gold mine in Havana.

EU Council President Donald Tusk Warns of Revolution in Europe

Polish EU Council President, Donald Tusk, was shocked by the fierce debate over the Greek bailout in the EU Parliament. He told the FT: “It was the first time that I have seen radical with such emotions. It was almost half the European Parliament. Therefore, I believe that no one is a political winner in this process, not even […]

Asteroid to Hit Earth Sept 15-28? Really?

The alleged comet expected to hit the earth between September 15-28, 2015 has been denied by NASA. I find it curious that this doomsday prediction lined up with the ECM. Nothing in our model confirms such a disaster.

Understanding Arrays & Time

One confusing aspect that people encounter is when a Time Straddle takes place on the Arrays. A Time Straddle occurs when the target in time straddles two weeks, months, quarters, or years. Sometimes it is simply a split, as in gold for 2011/2012, where we achieved the intraday high in 2011 and the highest annual closing in 2012. A Time […]

France Calls for the Federalization of Europe

History repeats because human nature never differs. I have warned that Albert Einstein was correct: you can NEVER solve a problem with the same line of thing that created the crisis. NEVER has anyone in power EVER concluded that they are the cause of a crisis – it is always someone else. They were the same people in school who […]

Maunder Minimum & the Coming Mini Ice Age

A growing number of REAL scientists are coming out, warning that we are moving back to a mini ice age. I have explained that when I saw a presentation of the energy output of the sun derived from the ice core samples taken from the North Pole back in the 1990s, it matched up with the […]

The Dow & the Two Paths To Chaos

We have a Daily Bullish Reversal in the Dow at 18105.00. A closing above that will warn of a retest of the May high of 18421.13. We still do not see a major crash unfolding and the next three months will remain choppy. We have a serious risk of two patterns. Do we get the […]

Schema Frequency & the Rabbit Hole

  QUESTION: Martin, Thank you for staying alive and moving forward with Socrates!. I am a big fan of yours. I read your blog everyday and I have reserved to attend your Princeton conference this year. I hope I make it as I think it will be good for me to hear you in person […]