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Trump Protests Reveal Their Own Hatred

The degree of how morally debased many of those who have been supporting Hillary is being exposed just how anti-democratic these people are boarding on a virtual communist-like revolution. They have had the audacity to submit a petition to tell the electors not to vote for Trump on December 19th and still give it to Hillary saying […]

Democrats Refuse to Work For the Country

Change is the engine of advancement. We cannot advance without it and we never advance without first making a mistake. Today, I have never seen in politics reach such a low level. Most Democrats on Capitol Hill are showing how un-American they really are with this display of open hostility, resentment, and plain old being […]

Markets – When the Dust Settles

The Euro soared to 113 and then crashed and burned to the 109 level. The Dow exceeded yesterday’s high but has not penetrated the previous day’s low. Gold had its reaction up to 1340 and fell back under 1300. Let’s get this much straight. Our computer is NOT showing a major change in trend because […]

The Internet Revolution Won

This has been an INTERNET Revolution. The king is dead (establishment) long live the people. Socrates has done a fantastic job on these trends. It takes perhaps an unbiased computer to just see the trend and determine which way the people will go without having to call them up and ask. It keeps learning and […]

Our Computer Beat the Polls & it Called the Highest Turnout

The total number of registered voters in the USA was 146,311,000 and the total ballots counted 128,843,000. In other words, 88% of registered voters voted. This is a record high historically or just about a revolution without guns. Even looking at the 231,556,622 who were eligible to register, that is 55.6%. Of course, Hillary had REFUSED to […]

Dow Jones With A Trump Victory

Our computer projected a reaction rather than a change in trend. In the Dow Jones Industrial cash Index, the major support lies down at 17330 area. The technical support lies at 17283 for next week as well. Many will expect the reaction to a Trump victory to be the same as BREXIT. Our computer is […]

The Vote Count Continues

As the Southern part of Florida State comes in, the sharp lead has flattened out 50% for Trump 42% for Hillary. The staggering difference of 59% to 30% from the Tampa region shows the deep difference between the more Spanish area in Miami. Nonetheless, if Florida goes for Trump, we could see the same in Ohio. […]

Record Turnout – Some say it may be 80%

Many areas are already seeing long lines with some officials saying they wouldn’t be surprised if voter turnout topped 80% of registered voters. So far, our computer is on track. If the voting turnout reached 82%, we will have a new historic high that beats even the post-Civil War. If we just exceed 62%, we […]

The End is Here – Or Is It?

Well, the election that seemed to never end is finally coming to an end, but will it end today? This is very interesting to watch how biased the press has become and clearly they have lost all credibility. This election is the most dramatic I have ever seen in my lifetime. Normally, there is really […]

This Will Be the Biggest Turnout to Vote for the Past 23 Elections

Florida and Texas as other states have reported the largest turnout to vote in the pre-election ballot period history. So far, the computer has been correct on that score. We should see a huge turnout, which probably would favor Trump, rather than Hillary given the sheer numbers of people who show up for their rallies. […]