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Nonlinear Complexity – Too Much for Most People to Comprehend

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Martin Armstrong. Good day to you Martin. I know you are a very busy man, but I still like to send you emails time to time, hoping that you may read my email and respond to me. In regards to your recent post about the theory of Non-linear intervention, I was quietly amazed […]

Europe’s Economic Death Spiral

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you said when you were here in Berlin that the EU Commission is about as incompetent as the US Congress. You also said Macron is trying to federalize Europe as the solution Could you elaborate on that comment? ANSWER: The EU Commission at present is composed of 28 Commissioners, who must always ensure […]

Oyster, Clams & Mussels Produce Massive Global Warming Gas

  Well, you can help save the planet by eating more oysters, clams, and mussels since it has been discovered that they produce 8 times more global warming gasses than even cows so much that the EU wanted to regulate cow farting. A new study now blames these creatures for putting out gasses significantly more […]

The Coming One-World Currency

QUESTION: Bitcoin + Cryptocurrencies Firstly, thank you – I’ve learned more from your blog and models that high-school would ever have hoped to teach me. And even after a year, I am a still at the start-line of knowledge. I am also been a follower and investor/gambler on crypto for over a year.   I […]

The Political Turf War in Europe and why Britain is Considering Joining NAFTA

QUESTION: Marty; There is talk that Britain will join NAFTA rather than the EU. Does that make sense? What do you think? ANSWER: The EU is in a death spiral. Every law they pass is to preserve their own power – not for the good of the people or Europe. Once again, the government solution always […]

Market Talk- October 12th, 2017

Mario Draghi, declared the intentions of the ECB were to keep rates low, well after the bond-buying program has ended. Draghi stated this was important to keep borrowing costs at bay and promote solid growth within the Eurozone. The EUR/USD rate, is still in the 1.18 region losing 20bps today. The big ECB rate decision […]

Market Talk- October 10th, 2017

News today of the Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont putting a delay on this declaration of independence to try and have an amicable solution with the Spanish Government in Madrid. Pushed the EUR/USD rates up 0.54% to 1.18 on the day. Few other announcements around the world, the Swiss unemployment rates dropped from 3.2% to 3.1% […]

Why would anyone buy European bank stocks?

The European banking crisis is still brewing. The biggest problem rises from the rules that if a bank is in trouble, they just seize the bank and sell it for €1 and all the shareholders lose everything. This is having serious impact upon the European Banking System as a whole as I previously warned. The Italian […]

The Mifid II Directive – Changing Research Forever

  Many Institutions are turning to our services because of Mifid II. We are starting a free trial for institutions now because so many are asking for help because we cover the entire world, do not have any conflicts of interest, and all reports on trading instruments are entirely written by the computer without human […]

Is There a Way Out of This Financial Mess?

We need to open the door to the future but that is only possible by understanding the past. Paul Volcker back in 1979 in his Rediscovery of the Business Cycle said: “Not much more than a decade ago, in what now seems a more innocent age, the ‘New Economics’ had become orthodoxy. Its basic tenet, repeated […]